šŸ’µ [Anonymous Poll] What is your price range for rental planets?

For me personally I think rental planets would have to be fairly cheap for me to want to pay for one on top of gleam club (probably HALF the price of gleam club).

With that said, I feel like a ā€œbundle dealā€ Where you can buy 3 & 6 months of Gleam Club AND a Rental World as 1 slightly discounted payment might encourage more people to keep both.


Tbh I kind of assumed thereā€™d be a bundle deal

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I just like ps one more. Thats all.

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If its similar to gleamclub sure why not :wink:. May even go up a notch. To double but i would like to add it shouldnā€™t be way to expensive.

I think ā€œless is moreā€ even if they last just a few months.

We have the same screen as you

Itā€™s just once we click a link it THEN goes to the PS4 store to complete checkout

Oh okā€¦ i just find those cubes more appealing than stars lol. We just have that steam checkout thing.

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A rental server for half the cost of gleamclub? Thatā€™s most certainly not going to happen is my guess since that would be 2.49 a month!

But yeah, a combo deal would be nice.

Iā€™m still hoping that what I heard over a year ago is gonna be true <=15

When itā€™s going to be 20 I would only be able to do 1 and would need to cut some other subscriptionā€¦

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Well I was thinking closer to $5 Aud, but I agree in that it probably wonā€™t be happening ahah

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What do you need more, Spotify Premium? Or boundless XD

Boundless :slight_smile:

Preferably both tho, sigh!


Plus their has an actual glow on them. Ours donā€™t really look like gleam.

I fully expect the to be $15 + a month. Though of they can swing a lower price I wouldnā€™t be upset.

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Iā€™d hope for a price about Ā£10 per month, but Iā€™m not sure if it will be as low as this. When I rented a Battlefield 3 server, about 6 years ago, it was Ā£29.99 per month. I really hope itā€™s not as expensive as that!

Now I am


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Honestly, I already pay around 11ā‚¬ each month for my WoW subscription, and itā€™s worth it because I can litterally spend my day playing, because of the amount of activities I can take part in.

For a Boundless Creative World, it would be building and basically nothing else (no loots, no hunts, no grind, no farming, no prestige-wars, no economy, no footfall, no fuel maintenance), basically. By that metric only, I donā€™t think it would be worth it if that subscription was above 5-6ā‚¬ per month UNLESS you take it as the price to NOT have to deal with the annoyances, but thatā€™s another debate.

Plus, if you take a CW, do you still need GC? I hear weā€™ll have infinite plots on a CW, and it stands to reason that we would also have infinite beacon fuel. Will the Boundless-related emojis be available on signs for all? If so, why have GC + a CW? For the awesome standardized-real-life-emojis and colors in chat?

Now if GC gives you some cool perks on a CWā€¦ that would be differentā€¦ also another debate.

Maybe GC could become what gives us access to one Creative World or Sovereign World.

If the price is reasonable enough I plan to get at least one. I would also like to pay in advance like you can with GC. If I could pay a six months or a yearā€¦or more in advance that would be even better. I like things I can just pay for and forget about. Lol. On another note, I kind of feel like I am stuck in a hold pattern waiting for these to come out, have I missed an update on when they will be released?

Bad haha theyā€™re bad

Iā€™ll pay what they tell me to pay :grin:


Iā€™m not sure doubling the prices would help with anything. Are you saying double it as a package of Sovereign + Gleam Club? Or just doubling Gleam Club?

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No, I meant: letā€™s assume that renting a planet costs twice the amount as GC does.

Just a price suggestion, no packages, no changes to GC, just a price

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