Hi everyone
I’ll be hosting a birthday hunt on this coming Friday on my T3 planet: Amplified.
It’s my partner, Andy’s birthday at weekend and because we had a blast on my birthday hunt event, he wanted to do one for his. He’s been hard at work stockpiling oort (so have I, lol). So we have a nice bunch for the mass giveaway on Friday.
So what happens on the birthday hunt?
When you arrive, grapple a number. This number will be your number for the entire hunt or until you leave.
If you arrive late, I’ll let you know the numbers available so you can choose and take part.
I’ll be drawing numbers periodically (pretty frequently in between meteor rains). Different amounts of oort are up for grabs throughout the hunt. With multiple draws at once.
If your number is called, I’ll be waiting on top of the meteor to trade. Please be quick. If it’s too slow, I’ll trade at the next meteor so you won’t miss out. This is just to keep the hunt moving.
If you leave early, please let me know through shout or whisper. Before you leave, you’ll get some oort as a thank you for coming. NOTE If you leave and come back, you’ll be exempt from oort at the end of the hunt. So, if you don’t intend on coming back to the hunt, let me know. This is so it’s fair for everyone.
At the end of the hunt, I’ll gift everyone a bunch of oort in varying amounts. The amount is predetermined based on the number you’ve chosen for the hunt.
Hunt is at the usual time of 2023-08-25T19:00:00Z
I’ll post details on the day of the hunt as a reminder too.
Make sure you get there early to reserve a place. The last time I did this, it was full all the way through the hunt. One or two spots may open up after 1 or 2 hours as people drop out, but to guarantee a spot, ensure you arrive early.
Hunt will last 3 hours. I’ll try my best to stick to that time frame this week. So it may end earlier to prevent any meteor craziness 
NOTE: The planet will be locked up until an hour before the hunt. This is to ensure that there’s no meteor triggers or sabotage. Anyone outside the hub will be immediately booted off the planet.
This was such a fun hunt last time and if you like lots of oort, you’ll love this event.
Any questions let me know.
Yayyyy!! We will be there! Happy Birthday Andy! 
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GPirates Birthday Hunt Celebration
T3 Running Hunt
STARTS: 2023-08-25T19:00:00Z
HUNT LEADER: Hazel1558
BEST BOWS: Silver, Gold, Titanium or any gem bow
DURATION: 3 hours
MEETING POINT: Meeting on a planet called Amplified.
Portals located at:
- TNT Hub - Sovereign Section
- Rivertown on Arie - Upper level, NW Corner
- Pharo’s Network on Finata - located in the central area.
- Underwater Hub on Gellis - located in the main hub area.
- Dragon’s Lair Main Hub- Upper Level, SE corner
Oort giveaways throughout the hunt! Check the first post of the thread for details of what to expect. Lots of oort up for grabs.
Make sure to arrive early to reserve a place incase the hunt is full. Places may open up after 1 or 2 hours so feel free to drop in anytime.
Planet is locked until 1 hour before the hunt.
Beginner friendly hunt. New hunters are welcome.
HUNT RULES (I know it’s only a T3 please respect them)
- No AFKing on every single meteor. Breaks, phonecalls, emergencies etc are perfectly fine but please participate. Don’t come to the hunt to not participate, it’s unfair on the rest of the group. If we all participate the quicker we get through the meteors and the more loot we all get.
- No alts. You can be your alt but don’t bring an inactive 2nd account. Again this is unfair on the rest of the group as the account is AFK and not participating.
- Please always track and follow the hunt leader. There’s a method to the madness. I always take the route that keeps the meteors flowing. So try stick with the group and follow the hunt leader you’ll get lots of oort. Accidents happen that’s fine but always follow the hunt leader. I always post directions in chat.
- Most importantly have fun. The hunts get a little chaotic but we always try to make it as enjoyable as possible.
Huge thank you to everyone that came today. Also special thanks from Andy for your kindness, birthday wishes and gifts he really appreciates it.
Hope everyone had fun. We gave out in total just under 11SS of oort. Plus the oort everyone got from the hunt. Crazy amount everyone got.
It was a lot of fun. We had a blast and hope everyone did as well.
Apologies to anyone who had to leave early due to connection issues. I’ll be emailing support later. If anyone has had connection issues on the hunt please email support. The servers are in desperate need of maintenance to get them restarted and the only way that’llhappenis if support knows of the issues.
Great hunt as usual with the added birthday bonuses. Thank you.
Hope GPirate has a nice birthday. All the best!

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