Any Explanation For This Behavior?

Went to Lasaina and found a very pretty town. Very garden-ish and perfect for my., Saw the Warden working on their base. Next door to the warden there was a great piece of ground with no beacons. A large area. 10x10 plots or so.

  1. Could see the warden working and moving.

  2. Shouted several times at the warden asking if it was ok to move there--------nothing

  3. P.M.'d the warden with the same question…nothing.

next day:

  1. went back and again saw the warden moving, working, and running about.

  2. was completely ignored again. Shouted, P.M. ---- and so on

went back a week later - - - - - and repeat again.

Maybe a different language, a child, or a ps4 player!

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In settings there are parental controls, perhaps they are a young person who’s parent/s have disabled chat etc … or they might not understand English.

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thanks for they replies everyone.

Maybe, but I don’t think so. I’m a PS4 player, and their base is quite impressive, not child level.

Their signs (quite a few) all written in English on an Australian server. Again this was over a week on more than 1 occasion

Could just be antisocial or too lazy to type lol

thanks everyone for letting me vent. Had a drink and feel better now.


Mudate a los mancos recibimos a todos con los brazos abiertos, elige lugar e instalate, un saludo

Estamos en arie plaza, pero somos dos asentamientos, los mancos y arie plaza, te animo que vengas a los mancos y te instales

Or a PC player with silly ideas! :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly, probably, and sorry, this is not meant as an insult, it’s just an observation from this game and others, someone from France. Something in the education system there I think, they aren’t all that great at English. Everyone I talk to talks English back, one slightly better than the other but most French people seem to just not understand. Or it’s also a bit of a cultural thing that they don’t even want to try. I don’t know, but most who said to me they couldn’t talk back in English were French.

And of course children.

Then there’s another option too: they filter out any and all messages when they don’t want to be disturbed. I do that at times too. I will then try to reply as soon as I turn the filters off tho…

Ja dat zou het ook kunnen zijn heh, iemand die niet goed Engels kent en dan maar in een andere taal gaat praten!

You can turn off all the chat options in the chatbox, separately from parental controls.

Maybe they really just want to concentrate on building and not be disturbed!

I don’t mind, but I know that if people are in New Leyden Market, next to my home build, I can see all the shouts and can be distracting.

I personally miss messages a lot. I don’t have a small tv. Its… 40-something inch, I think. Not small. But I’m just cruising along minding my own business and many times don’t even see the messages pop up.

Since hubby and I have our tv’s beside each other, I keep my volume down, just enough to hear hopper grunts, so I dunno if it makes a noise I’m missing, or if messages are just too inconspicuous to me.

Or maybe my tv being big is actually the problem since they’re waaay over yonder, out of sight. :yum:

Messages dont make any sounds. I play on a 75" screen (life size oorts!) and still miss messages regularly. Sometimes whatever is going on in game is just too interesting to notice. Digging soil etc is weirdly riveting.

Also the distance on a standard chat is pretty short, need to stay pretty close to have em appear at all if youre not shouting.

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Messages, both public and private, make a sound unless you turn it off in the settings.