Any news?

Is there anything you can tell us? Anything at all? In a game where EVERYTHING is player driven, the lack of players is really starting to be felt. By individuals and big guilds a like. Please share us some good news? Has the team been started yet? Is the transfer complete? Can we look to have the NPE anytime soon?

@Tiggs @monty1

This is a great game with unlimited potential but we are really feeling the lack of players in sales and footfall that keep some of the portals open.


Most Recent on Discord Boop!


apparantly james sending them the game via diskette lol


227 floppy disks later… :rofl:




They likely only mange to send one every 2-3 weeks considering their post frequency before the sale.

Jokes aside, I’m not surprised by this. They were barely able to make time to do minor code changes, forum responses, bug fixes, etc. Expecting the old team to have a steady velocity on things like business paperwork, documentation, training, and asset transfers is silly imo.

Frustrating, but not surprising.

Not that we know this is the issue, but I think it’s a good guess.


No… they are transferring via UUEncode. So it will take a while…

Most probably don’t know how life was when you had to send files like that over bulletin boards.


I remember having to download lots of small files. Once you had them all you had to then combine them into one file before you could use it. DAYS of downloading. An early D&D module I remember being almost 1000 files for like a 15-20mb file. AND if even 1 part was corrupted it would not work.


almost 1 year later :woozy_face:

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@glr Yeah and it was said at least.


I know they said at least, I was just hoping for some kind of update. Something to give people a little hope.


I know and this has been asked many many many times i myself think whats all being done is already a big change into the right direction.

The transition fase is the most important for now
I have said before doing anything about NPE or updates and anything that the people want these days (pants too i know) it will bring players but will also bring more issues with it too, more impatient people, more trolling to handle, more issues to take care of. And this will be a huge weight on them and they can not handle this. What they do at this moment is the best solution, players come and players go, if theres news players will come back anyways. :man_shrugging:


I can add the difference in GC if make it help with transferring faster :joy:


wast that rapid instead of slow
rapidshare that is lol


once they show a glimps off life we attack :joy:


I’ve had a lengthy break since my plot upkeeps failed, but it doesn’t seem like I’ve missed much of any news in the time since.

I hope the game doesn’t die because of this break in updates, because it’ll probably need something big to draw in a bunch of new people, once everything has been sorted out.


Yes I believe it was. Forgot about that.

Not sure something big will be too needed, just actual development again would likely triple the current active user base (at least). To bring in new players a change in payment model, improved NPE, and a little advertising would go a long way.


You’re right.

Honestly, the main barrier I can imagine for new players, is the price tag for the game. But I also agree it needs a much improved NPE.

An easy way to figure out a better NPE, would likely be to get players who have played for years, to throw up advice for the devs to follow when making it. At least, they’d likely have a lot more experience with the systems in question, than the new company.

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as for game price i strongly agree, in current state its way too high,

early access games cost around 20 euros now and its fair price for game in developement state, with periodic updates every month or so

to be honest - i bought Boundless when it was at steam sale for 50%, regardless as i love thiis game i would not buy it for 40 euros

why? becouse:

  1. gleamclub 5 euro a month
  2. rent a planet - from 10 eur a month for 1 sov
  3. buy currency to get more plots

i strongly recommend to set a price for 20 eur and make a adv campaign using player vids, showing our community builds, hubs, farms, hunts, events, just show how this game really looks like