Any PC players want to check my build for me?

I try to add plots in squares and three-plot sections to avoid any issues, but I’m curious if I have any issues I can’t see, like something considered a road that is not intended to be.

If anyone could hop by I’d appreciate it.

I’ll just post a link instead of repeating all the directions again.

Thanks in advance!!

I don’t see any issues.

People usually have problems when they or someone nearby builds way up in the air, way down below, builds nearby, or someone starts building roads that are too thin.


Thanks for that.

I see I have some clean up to do in that first pic.

But maybe someone can answer a question for me?

In the first pic, I understand why I have the “road” on the left in green, and the single plot sticking out to the right of the bridge…but why are the two corners at the bottom considered roads?

Same question with the single road plots in the next two pics. Actually, I get it in the center pic. Adding one more plot, two plots above the road plot should take care of it.

But in the third pic…why is that single plot considered a road and not part of the entire thing?

One of the devs explained that it’s just a visual thing that we aren’t meant to see…that it’s not actually considered a road. It was on a post somewhere…


The current road rule is that a given plot must have 6 plots within the 9 touching plot columns, at any altitude.

The green corner of your build has only 4 plots in the 9 adjacent columns so it is designated as “road” and won’t convey settlement status to the touching plots.

I think my brain just exploded.

Wouldn’t that mean the corner of your build would always be a road?

I did some fixing yesterday, so things are probably a bit better.

You can fix this by adding 2 plots vertically on the corner column, or one of the adjacent columns.

Also a player building out there with at least two adjacent plots to your settlement would extend the status to/around that square.

Otherwise, yes, the very corners of every single-high settlement out there are ‘roads’. Did confirm that travel over these plots generates a footfall check with one of the devs here so that’s not an issue.

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