Anyone seeing alot of sand storms?

I have not seen a lot of sand storms (have not been on a planet that has them so…).

I have noticed that on Alnitans everything is covered in snow and it does not go away. This usually means the server needs rebooted. So I guess it is the same for the sand storms.

I have perma clear weather because I used the Sanctum trick, so I don’t notice any effects, but the day/night cycle seems off to me on Seginiakai. Might be related. Far as I can tell, servers last got the boot 2 months ago. Probably time for another.

Global warming and climate change. But don’t worry, all the clownes in charge from Washington to Moscow are indeed on the verge of starting a ´server reset’ :firecracker:

Is this “the wipe” people ask about??



Saw one today on Refgar… made me sad. But pulled out my clear weather totem and it went away.

Great. Well monumental did in between an update that they hoped would also fix the weather issues as they stated that just a server reset shouldn’t be a solution…
maybe you could send in a report ticket towards the support email ( ) as problems are handled now over this email address and the weather bugs seem to reoccur.

Sounded as if that one included the weather bug issues. So if they are back, then the devs need to look again into it.

I see sandy winds on THE FUTURE through the portal which is unusual for Tier 1 planets. Never seen them in the past on Gellis. So I can confirm there’s something odd. Luckily I use the weather quirk trick :wink: but that means it’s only a matter of time until I’m able to see it even with clear weather on.

2023-02-28T13:08:00Z Just sent in an email. Let’s see. :blush:

I know the post says sand storms but this is really the weather bug again. Alnitans (which I spend most of my time) has been covered in snow for 3 days now without it going away. Normally it is just in the area that you are in and it goes away after a bit. Now it is everywhere.

With and without using the builder option:



weather bug? weather bug? there are weather bugs?
well running “with” clear weather totem im free from weather bugs :smiley:
i have my own sun to burn all bugs :smiley:


Just hopped on an alt to get gravel. And it was really foggy. Definitely time for a server restart or something.

Seems to be a very persistent bug that appears several times a year.

From a quick search:
Sep 20 Sand storm bug. Or new weather pattern maybe 😉
May 21 The mist!
Aug 21 Weather System Acting Up?
Mar 22 Bad weather
and there are more

yes, this is how they look (When asking AI)


I took some screenshots on steam (got to figure out how to get them to my phone so i can rip them :wink: but Lamblis was very mysterious with all the dark clouds in the air. Looked like a ominous lava word…

Not sure if it’s visible for most but suggest to visit my clock and take a peek up there (tnt lamblis second portal on your left there is a portal next to that portal once you pass trough)

[also not certain if that is the weather bug or not but i noticed it :wink:]

We’re looking into these reports.


Thank You very much @Tiggs and Team :slight_smile:

Thanks @Tiggs I of course don’t see them with clear weather but removed it and I see them as well. Noticed the T6 homeworlds were doing it as well except one i believe Hochus seemed normal.

I for one just enjoy the constant reminder of an old EDM classic
sandstorm starts playing in the background

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Again, lots of sand storms on [Beckon] this weekend.

Seems that is returning, anyone else experiencing it?

Hello! I’m not sure what you mean what is returning? But I saw today on Arie within a few minutes sand storms and clouds form. Like 3 times within maybe 2 minutes. In between it cleared a bit and then it started again. I haven’t seen that on the other Tier 1 planets so far.


Nope running clear weather glitch so I don’t see lol!