Anyone selling higher tier tools on Therka?

so I can go and mine gems :yum:

There is a ruby hammer in Dragon’s watch for 2475 coin

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any other such goods and in batches of 3 let say?

I think I saw only 2

looking around but no luck - only saw silver ones but I have those and they don’t break what I want to mine:disappointed:

In the middle shop

ok just to be sure - is the dragons watch the complex with the huge blue spire and a red pyramid?

No that is the EU market on Therka, Dragon’s watch is on Solum.

oh my… I’m looking for a shop on Therka and maybe Munteen - as thats the closest - have no access to Solum as of yet

thank you for trying to help though

I have 3 i can sell you in therka, tomorrow, have shut down for the night…:sleeping:

My therka shop has markers to dragons watch fo 25c.

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I’m the shop owner in Solum that sells these ruby hammers. I could go to Therka and sell you one or offer you something better. I don’t have any dark blood to craft more of these hammers but i got the rubies. If you have dark blood in stock we could work something so you have more than one hammer.

I do have dark blood. I dont mind meeting you Heureka either. Can be in game now or later like 5-6 pm EU time.

I have 2 gold hammers for 1800coins in my white pyramid in Therka

Is it in the market center?

Along the main road yes, It is a white gleam pyramid with an Ankh on top

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there are so many shops there and plinths around its easy to miss some - thanks for info and directions, I shall visit sometime today :sunglasses: