APEX T6 Network [CLOSED]

Sorry to have railroaded your topic. But I guess that is my point, every time I read a post suggesting a hub is it PS, not any other one. No check out these hubs, it is check out PS

So, you aren’t getting the traffic you need because PS is pushed for players to use, not any other one. They ALL need to be mentioned, not just go to PS, it is a great hub. That is their opinion.

Mine is Ultima is the best one. For someone else, Hubbit is the best one. Another, such and such portal hub is the best one.

Recommend that players check each one out and pick the one they like best, not just feel you are limited to just one because it is the only one that gets recommended.

Maybe then your hub would have had the traffic you needed and still be alive.

The cardinal direction on the map will lead you to the portal you need (up is North in the game). If you find examples where a portal isn’t where you think it should be, let us know :]


always greatly appreciate the work and time from others in setting up networks for public use and sorry to see another go.
You have any other projects, personal or otherwise, under way?

Well if i can say. He has. At least what i was wandering around in duskmoor.
Dunno what it is but it gonna be huge.

Thankyou for caring, yes I building wonders of the universe, 2 of them.
It will be an extremly long road to go, I hope I can finish them before doomday arrived :smiley:


Doooooom day. Sounds fun.