Aquarius Network need your help!

Ok hash… ill drop some oort stones in the basket. I need some to keep the giant portal open too :shinto_shrine: but ill send some your way every 24hrs


I don’t know your costs but you were paying 200c for the spooky seeds for a few days which I’m sure blew through some coin reserves. But with that in mind couldn’t you up your buy price a bit?

I don’t hunt and buy mine for 175c each to keep my 4 portals running.


Best point so far :smiley:

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raising the request basket price doesn’t make other people disapear.

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Please don’t do that, then you’re just shifting the problem. The problem is not with the servers it’s with the connection between them and the end users. And how many people really do have problems with EU servers that it’s totally unplayable all the time??

I rather you remove all the AUS and US planets from the main road, oh wait, no, haha, see, not a good idea, tho Boori might not be the best to be the go to planet to go to T4+ planets. It’s the farthest server for the most players. It’s okay that it’s on the main road and it should stay that way but perhaps put the link to Circapous somewhere else?

Right now I use Castle Black’s shortcut from Bitula to Circa to avoid Boori (and a bunch of portal hops)

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Man those EU servers are trash often enough to be worth avoiding though. And it’s not a gradual onset. Some days 7:55PM things are fine, 8:01PM you’re stuck spinning, staggering and defecating on yourself until after midnight. I would just go to the club if that was my idea of fun.

True, the problem is not with the servers, but that does not change the actual reality that they go unplayable.

Im from Canada and never have issue with EU servers i guess i’m just a lucky one.


Yeah it’s only the US. My guess is one of our wonderful greedy providers is throttling most of us.

Other people claim the hubs should only use the coin for oortstone. I disagree on this. I think the coin should be used for whatever the hub owners want. I have a single road that people walk through at Ultima, I use all the money from that road for a fair priced basket shop for my girlfriend. So every dime of our footfall goes into everyone’s pockets in the form of selling us the stuff we need to forge.


Yea, we overindulged in spooky seeds before the footfall issue became known. Which we regret spending any coin whatsoever on after finding out our income dried up.

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The fix to all of this, make a new planet where you can mine oortstone. Something so important shouldn’t be locked behind only hunting.


It’s shouldn’t be easy to gather them, hunting seem to be balanced if you do community hunts. On last 48 hour I did few hunts and sell around 400 oortstone to Ultima while keeping about 150 for my personal use and got lot of trophy to sell to your gf bunny. I assume once the guild system is implemented we could have dedicated ultima hunter do run once a day and get our supply’s back up.

It’s only important because hubs were created as a new meta to the game. Before, people used smaller portals in a more personal way, unless I misunderstood posts from the last year. Or the semi hub that existed was heavily reliant on donations. Im still not sure on how that worked out as I wasn’t around. I’m able to fund my own personal portal network by buying x amount of oort stones a week at 180-200 a pop. I’ll be able to maintain that for a month or two at our current portal set up. We only travel to x places so only need x portals. It’s a matter of infrastructure planning and fiduciary planning.

So now there is the suggestion you say of making oort more available to people, or the other more likely avenue being that this is a heavily billed sandbox game, the community decides if hubs are so essential or if so many hubs are essential. If they are, then donation drives will succeed. If the population is more concerned about coin count, the the free market will be the beast it always is.


That’s not how the market works.

If you can place your price at a certain value and then people sell it to you, then that’s an OK price.

If people are not willing to sell at that price then the perceived value of that thing is higher.

It’s not really your choice to raise or lower prices at all, it’s about the rate at which you want to satisfy market orders.


Who can honestly expect coin income to break and stay broken for 2 weeks though? I had juuust spent all my money when the economy went up in flames.

A.k.a: Do you want oort stones or not.

Kinda contradicting yourself there :slight_smile: But I think I get what you mean. Still wondering what is causing it tho.

Have to say a few days ago early morning EU time suddenly my character was jumping and hitching and became a tad uncontrolable. I was not on an EU server at that time, went to Finata, an EU server, same, then Gellis my home planet, also EU, same, wanted to give up then I switched character and it was gone! First time I experienced that and if it’s anything like you experience regularly then I can understand it’s frustrating as heck!

What timezone you in BTW?

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I’m in the US and I had to move from Finata because I was having issues too often there. Only on EU planets/servers. I would get stuck in the portals, waiting for them to open and sometimes get stuck within the portal blocks or die. If there were more than 30-40 ppl in Finata, I would glitch like crazy and couldn’t play. I moved to Biitula and haven’t had any issues.

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US Eastern time zone. My main base is still on Lamblis so I just have to make base runs during off times. Too lazy to move.