Are Bombs glitched

For me, I have bombs that are suppose to heal for over 7k. But every single time, they only hit for 2200. I’ve noticed that bombs have been quirky, not feeling like they are dependable. always throwing more down then suppose to need to fill up my bars. One bombs may heal me 50%, then the next 2 only do like 25% each. Those are HUGE variables. And It’s not effected by crits.

But I finally had a hard look at the numbers. They are hitting way under. Is there a glitch, or the damage multipliers broke or what?

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On top of that they don’t always hit. So many times I’m throwing 2 or 3 down just because the first one didn’t even hit me while I’m standing on it.

Make sure you are looking at the correct damage area for healing bombs.

The amount a healing bomb will heal is the 2nd number in the damage area and whatever forge effects have been added as the first number is what it would had done if it was a normal bomb to the blocks it hit.

In this case the bomb would normally heal for 2,000 but it also has +1,500 heal added from forging so 3,500 in total.

They do have an issue not hitting you at times even if you are standing on it so it’s not a desync issue like it can be when trying to heal others that move so they do have issues and I am not sure why you are getting different amounts like that.

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I find the only reliable way for my bombs to heal me correctly is if I’m moving a bit while it goes off. These days, I just throw the number of bombs I need to fully heal myself at my feet, and I hold shift and walk around the bombs in circles until they detonate. Otherwise, half the time they simply do not heal me. They’re incredibly buggy.

Actually that is incorrect. Even unforged bombs have the amount you do after adding in your skills. Because the 8225 that is shown there is calculating your Power and whatever intelligence and other epics you have. Not if the bomb is doing actual damage instead of healing, or if its forged. It does add the forged amount in as well as your skills.

If its the way you described however, they seriously need to re-describe the info on these things. But to my understanding the (orange) is ALways the added in skills a player has.

New theory, healing oneself is 50% less than when healing others?

The healing amount only matters based on the 2nd number and the forged skill.

Intelligence bonus does apply to it if I recall and the healing epic but that is the only skills that apply to it last I checked but it just does not show in the description.

It’s done like this otherwise as you can see the amount of healing that could be done would be far too large for balance compared to potions.

Ok, it makes sense. I think it would be cool if there was some better information in the description on the bombs themselves, or the damage number disappears when it becomes a health bomb. They still do some weird random stuff though. I get the math of the maxed out heals I’ve been getting now. But ti does drop for no reason. Normal hit is 2200, then it will do a 1472, and then a 1500. thats still odd.

also it does help to move a little when the bomb goes off. I’ve been doing that for a while to @PendragonTheNinja. Its kind of seems like sometimes the bomb has a hard time with the hitbox.

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@vdragon are you guys aware of the issues with healing bombs giving weird numbers and sometimes outright not healing at all? It’s happened to me for a very long time.

you are probably switching to a lower damage item before the bomb explode.

I never did for all the testing