June 10, 2020, 7:54pm
Tbh would it be a game breaking change for the server to give the client the benefit of the doubt?
From the discussion in these threads it sounds like a disagreement between client and server. Client-side, what I experience is that I throw a bomb at someone, it connects, which triggers the explosion (as opposed to being a timed explosion). I assume, at least, that the way bombs work is that they explode when they connect with an entity (like a corpse, or another player). But despite being point blank and the bomb being triggered by hitting that player (at least what it appears client-side), the health is taken back.
After some pretty extensive group and self healing I’ve identified some of the heal bomb bugs and potential solutions.
Heal bombs when used on other players will sometimes ‘take back’ the heal. I’m 100% sure the many times this has happened that the heal bomb connects, explodes, and fills their health bar up. Then a couple seconds later the server says ‘the heal bomb didn’t connect’ and whatever healing goes away.
This bug is almost certinaly due to the fact that heal bombs explode at the cli…
Make sure you are looking at the correct damage area for healing bombs.
The amount a healing bomb will heal is the 2nd number in the damage area and whatever forge effects have been added as the first number is what it would had done if it was a normal bomb to the blocks it hit.
In this case the bomb would normally heal for 2,000 but it also has +1,500 heal added from forging so 3,500 in total.
They do have an issue not hitting you at times even if …
could it have to do with the change that allowed original attacking bombs to trigger when any enemy was within their max AOE?
It may be that the bombs trigger when a viable target is within their max aoe, but then at resolution of the effect a fast moving player may be just outside?
Maybe if they activate when a target is say within 90% of their max aoe (or if max AOE for targeting purposes was slightly reduced for a flying bomb compared to a stationary one?), then the target might get hits th…
Well can always hear if that is intended or not @james
I solely heal and revive during hunts, but I haven’t been too happy with bomb heals failing to work on some people while in motion. If players are moving too quickly when hit with a heal bomb, it seems like I register a heal on the client side, but the server may not register the heal, dropping the player’s health back down to its original level.
Up to this point, I had forged topaz bombs with t3 heal, +range and +damage, taking advantage of the higher base explosion radius of topaz, under the …