Are portal networks a commodity now?

Everyone realizes that the most outstanding builds in minecraft took those guys 2 to 5 years of building to complete. And your wanting it in 6 months time. This game is ment to be a grind its ment to be a time sink something to peck away at for fun. Balance and all aside think about that. Its a sandbox where you let your imagination run wild. Not an MMO with gear that can make you OP. There shouldnt even be talk of a top dog. More so things like amazing builds and great creativity.


I think any motivation for players to travel through fewer portals would favor centralized networks and exacerbate world full issues. I don’t think it would actually change anything you have an issue with. I think it would just make people want to play the game less.


Im actually enjoying the portal system as is. I think the game is too far along to make any big changes to portals. Adding tax or travel time is unnecessary at this point.

Moving forward I wouldnt mind if future planets T7 and up had these sort of restrictions, maybe not even allowing portals at all. Retroactive changes to existing portal systems would just ■■■■ off majority of the player base (in my opinion)

Yeah, I think some future planets that aren’t even allowed to be beacon’d or plotted would be really cool. Only way to get in or out is warp totem.

But as far as ports go. Yeah there are tons of them, but they don’t really ruin the experience in my opinion. People will either maintain them, or they will become a chore to upkeep.

Honestly, removing the portal hubs would just make more new players quit before getting into the core of the game. Once they realize they have to be part of the economy to warp anywhere, anyone that wants to be self sufficient will be forced to leave, or wait a week or so to get the money for a one way trip to the higher level planets.

Honestly the grind is fine for those of us that want it, but even a lot of us would get bogged down by the extra time sink to maintain our own personal portal network (which we would even if others couldn’t use it) or farm the coin for warp costs to the upper end planets.

If you can’t put portals on the higher end permanent planets, all we are doing is restricting the player base from being able to access them and causing more community conflict. If you can either buy hammers or warp costs, then neither of them are useful. We may have plenty of money, but most players don’t have the capability to warp to t5 and 6 planets multiple times a day. Restricting content probably isn’t the best way to get new people hooked on the game.


I understand where you are coming from, and that is totally cool. Time spent = worth for you. And that’s cool, but for many people they will see that and say “well I can do A for 2 years and maybe get this done, of I can go play B+C+D+E instead and get a whole lot more done.”

I totally get the hard work gets high value and reward, but this isn’t minecraft creative mode or just artwork in creation. It’s a game and supposed to be enjoyable at the same time.

Not many will play a game that nets nothing in relative speed. Those that do are cool I’m sure, but in my opinion a minority. Which is still valid, but shouldn’t be the only way.


So minecraft isnt a game? And ya you can go play other games. Its not everyones fault or problem those peeps didnt know what they were getting into when they bought the game. Nor should so many balancing things be brought up. Other than the silver gold adjustments that are going threw for tools. Balance isnt a thing in boundless in my opinion.

I once ended up at a plot labeled transfer station and all it did was connect portal seekers to ultima hub. Whoever built that was very prescient. There’s probably footfall to be made by taking this xfer station idea more seriously.

I do agree that portals hide away a lot of the intended gameplay. Seeing planets in the sky, using warp augments and warp stone all seem like an archaic concept to a newcomer like me.

If something was introduced to penalize portal travel, even a huge Nerf, I wouldn’t be upset. But I think it has to happen at the portaler level, not the portal hub runner. In other words, don’t make setting up and running portals harder; make it harder for players to then use those portals. Hooking this new cost up to blinksec distance seems like it will be in line with the original intent

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Minecraft is totally a game, i happily played it for years. But not sure you can compare it apples to apples.

I mean you can tell people to go play other games, but not sure that will help the game ya know?

Just saying I like the game as is, and thinks its balanced pretty well for what we get. Though its just an opinion and not meant to offend.

Nah no offense takin. I do see your points. Just having convo with ya :wink:

It’s really fun to see those in the wild and see nothing else around at all, and just run to 2 portal markers on the compass and then realize you’ve run in to a little transfer station, and not only having 1 option to a hub, but 2 options. Of course the little area has to be built up a bit to really maximize the footfall but thats not too hard to do in the slightest.

I guess mostly what im getting at is if you want instant gratification you should maybe look elsewhere. Cause to me in my eyes boundless was not ment for this.

Edit: ive nvr seen in all my years of gaming so many people about having what they need right this second. Untill that horrid fortnight hit stores. Its created some sort of entitlement of sorts and much much ruder gaming community.

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I don’t think fortnite caused people to want instant gratification, that’s been happening for years. People value their time more now because there are so many games, not as many want to do raiding in a game for hours on end or grind and grind with no progress because people have things to do.

I mean, Warcraft did a number on the genre itself with the LFg and ICC and WotLK honestly. Fortnite’s ‘gimmie now’ is a result of years of game development.

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The reason I would say no portals on T7 and up is so day 1 players cant access it, and they shouldnt be able to. With portals all you would need is 5 points in environmental protection and maybe some stealth and you have access to “end game content”.But my point was not to touch current planets because it would indeed turn new players off. I probably wouldnt have played as long as I am if I had to manually warp to each planet starting out.

I do agree with you in this.

We dont need instant gratification, and we do need progression and hard work to get end game.

Though with balance so as to not oust new comers and cause them to feel it’s a daunting task causing them to second guess if they should play the game or not.

So I agree, definitely dont need everyone to have everything at once.

I warp all the time. The portal networks exist in addition to that. I use warp augments all the time, too. People are just taking a narrow view on their usage.

For example, you’ll see a common new player tip: “Mine for resources far from portal hubs because areas around them tend to be overmined”.

Some people take that to mean “run around randomly for hours”. I use a warp augment from the sanctum once I’m at the planet and I’m instantly away from civilization, for the cost of 200 coins and one augment per round-trip. :stuck_out_tongue:


But thats its design is it not? Its intended to take time to raid just like it was intended to take time exploring all these planets. Why should devs change what they spent years making a gameplan of things to do and implementing them. Why should they care about what you have to do IRL. Cause lets flip the script a second. When people complain and complain about stuff thats working as intended. Your basically messing with there time spent on there ideas. And therefore take time away from new things being done and the way they intended it to be.

Oh boo to you. I do that same thing. That’s wildly different than warping to new planets though where you pay several thousands coins lol But I get you’re point :wink:

So now that we’ve established that neither warping nor warp augments are ‘useless’ because of portals, there’s the issue of all the people (and it seems like there’s a lot of 'em) that say “its too hard / takes too long to progress past iron tools / get coils”.

Can you imagine the backlash from those people if they had to pay thousands of coins per round-trip to a gem-bearing planet in addition to the already existing progression hurdles?

The forum servers would explode.

Moreover, the developer vision for the game seems to include portal networks and large hubs. Establishing those was one of the points of giving a headstart to backers, so that future players could already start with those convenience features in place.

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