Hi peoples,
here some update on the basic flying creature. We are exploring the possible skeleton structure for this creature in order to incorporate as much appendages as possible (multiple wings, legs and tails)
I think 2,7,8 are really cool for dangerous creatures, but i think 5 would look so neat for a neutral creature xD
agreed I really like 1 too though. Also 4 looks kinda like it flew against a window
How about a combination between 5 and 8? a creature with 4 of those creature 8 wings would look epic
5 looks like a little hunter that found some pans xD
I really like 2 & 3.
8 isn’t so bad too.
The rest seems to rigid to really fly.
I have to say for flying creatures I’d rather take an aerodynamic one that isn’t as original as a flying whatever that doesn’t look right.
And I’d love to see a flying creature that has clear shapes (like the wings of #3) and some parts that are see-through/transparent like the wings of a dragonfly. Or at least I imagine it to look cool, I could be wrong though^^
I really like 2 & 8. Pretty cool ideas going on here. 3 & 4 look kind of like manta rays…flying manta ray creatures would be so cool!
2 and 8 all the way
Awesome, just put them all in! With different ones on different worlds =]
Love 3 and 5!
1 is tops for me; think the wings could use a lil work yet. I like the ray/skate -esque ones too…
7 looks far too heavy for those wings, but all over great work again!
I love 1 and 2 and I think 4 is pretty cool, owl-ray
1 and 3 for sure!
I’m pretty big on 1, 2, 3 and 8
1 and 2 are by far my favorites. 8 is a relatively distant 3rd.
yussss. I love all of these! particularly 1 and 2, but the very last one is pretty neat as well.
I take the first row ^^ … 1-3 are the best, even if all of them have their own charme
really love 1 & 8! Wanna see them! And 4 as friendly (not even neutral) Creature maybe? If you attac it it only flees. You could make it really fast while fleeing so it’s hard to chase it down and it hase some usefull crafting materials.
Also the “Face” reminds me of an pig nose ^^
Actually, they all look good, but in terms of what I would play, despite them not being creatures we can control, and since I lean to agile, quick and lithe models as an assassin/sharpshooter I find those --1, 2, 3 & 8-- most appealing.
But in terms of how I could see all of them working, because I really think they all have a place or design that would fit a style, it’s personal list time!
- 1, 3 & 8 look like they would be the faster and harder-hitters(trading off durability for these attributes) of the bunch
- 2, 5 & 6 would be a fighter-esq class which can take a bit of a trade between their opponent and still dish out some fair damage in return.
- 4 & 7 would feel more heavy and able to absorb the shock that their fellow fliers cannot, offering utility over damage, but still capable of holding their own.
(Sure, there’s no telling if we might actually be able to pull a LoZ: Windwaker and idle while steering our companion avian ally, but theoretically if we could, I would pick between 1 or 3 as a best-bud ;))
i think you schould add all of them… some peacefull, magical, neutral and some aggressive… some that just show up at certain conditions…
And i have a wish!!!
PLEASE add like flying huge jellyfischs, but make them really rare…
(I don’t believe that you know this book) In “Die Elfen” from Bernhard Hennen are also like flying jellyfishs, neutral, magical animals… I would LOVE to see them here…
In the book they were caring airships, so maybe a clan could catch one and build a airship to travel better trough the world…
nr. 2 is awesome !
These are lovely but i think the 3 in the middle would work better as non aggrasive creatures.