Art: Donation Box

Donation box would be cool, although there would need to be a way to block certain items from being donated… I can see instances happening of boxes just being filled with stacks of totems otherwise.


I thought this was a new spoiler :sob:


can i have number 4 as toilet when using it you feel relieved and max out stamina
after a while you also can collect some good fertilizer to keep those nice decaying flowers fresh for longer


you just want to be tickled…lol

1, 4 or 16

Awesome! Perfect for accepting Titan drop donations :slight_smile:

I like the duo toilet - 11.

Though the hand kinda reminds me of the Lexx toilet.

What on earth is that

for me, keeping in mind what has come before design wise, then 9 and 10 but if being indulgent then maybe 4 or something close to it (not 1,2 or 3 though)…that could have some nice potential as a design element.

edit: arghhhh…should know to check date of first post lol (have just had a tooth out so going blame teh drugs…)

Lol I was about to ask what you meant with all those numbers then it clicked

So since some of them look like toilets…will we be able to make our own homegrown fertilizer? Empty our diapers for once :yum:

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Toilets…those are drinking receptacles. :rofl:

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are you all talking about water… like out of the toilet?


Can we get a drinking toilet?

I mean fountain