Art: Hunter (fast)

Oh my! These are very interesting predators! Im also seeing some environmental traits, that make them more superior in there home terf. 13 I think has an air of desert to it, perhaps hiding just below the sand. However, out of all of these I absolutely adore 10. It looks lethal, but it also seems intelligent. If these hunters could act AND coordinate in a pack of 3, 4, heck maybe even 5 or more, they would make a for a devastating opponent. AND they climb walls!

All I saw at first was #4, the rest was noise… but as was already said it doesn’t fit with fast and agile… more an ambush predator. I do love it though. Would like to see it “lurking” in a dark cavern… or coming out at night, hunting from behind rocks and shrubs…

However, for [quote=“claudiotolomei, post:1, topic:3214”]
is going to chase you in cavers, up walls, structure and trees!
I like: 7, 10, 13 or 15