Art: Playable Character sketches

the more you know… Thanks for the info bud.

I really hope the original races are included in the finals. They looked great!

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Not gonna lie, the full armor lion looks like an orc XD.

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I must agree!

Worth mentioning this exploration process is as much deciding what we’re not going to do, as what we are going to do. Definitely think that full plate armour doesn’t work for Oort in that form :smile:


Is it still up in the air if the armor they wear decides the stats or is that already decided? some newer games have switched to a system where your looks are purely cosmetic and then all of your stats comes from attachments, implants, crystals, call them what you want. any thoughts on that?

At the moment we’re favouring any abilities obtained from armour being orthogonal, rather than a linear progression. Ie: all ‘armour’ (not necessarily going to call it that) types would be useful for different reasons, playstyles.

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I’ll input mine because why not: I personally find that having a character that doesn’t have its own set of stats is “easier” to manage because you can just re-tweak armor and items so they fit you better, but if you have a clear objective and specs are easy to read and understand, then it makes for a more personalized feel. YOU can tailor your character to your way of playing, rather than everyone just having the same end-game armors that have specific individual stats, so you’re maybe a bit tankier and less damaging or vice-versa. (woohoooo… -_-)


Stats is quite a wide term, apologies, its more a basic question of do you expect armor to have an affect on playstyle or will they purely be cosmetic and then the affects to playstyle comes from something invisible (accesories, implants, crystals, etc)

but it seems like you do, so that answers it :smile:

I just thought about how you guys think of races? are they all gonna have human traits and a set amount of limbs or might some of them differ? one thing i remember loving in ‘‘The last remnant’’ were the cat people with 4 arms.

awesome thing being that they could quadwield. but never the less, are some of these things going to be too hard to make in terms of balance and consistency? other things would for example be wings on bird races or spikes on the back of those things.

i hope you understand what im asking cause i know its very vague xD


A 4 armed race would be able to dual-wield bows!


Our player character rigs only have two arms, so two for now.

Yeah, being able to do everything x4 would be tricky to implement and balance, but it’s a fun idea.

What about as a monster type? Could pose an interesting challenge

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Ok so no 6 limbed characters (for now) but I´m really curious what the devs have in mind for the racial traits, especially for this “battlecat” race because it looks like something I´d want to play as.
Since the community tends to have different traits for each race that affect the gameplay I hope for some really awesome stuff.

I really wouldnt call this a cat…

for me its more like a rock race, kinda like wildstars granok

For this race i would personally like to see strength related racials, like maybe faster mining, harder punching or an active to negate all dmg for a few seconds. something like that

So for me it´s a battlecat :cat:

Wouldn’t just some +% traits be boring? I´d like to see some “out-of-the-box” things like like seeing ore blocks glowing through rock (in a small radius) or the ability to cloak yourself as a 1x1x2 rock column (inkstand death if you are “mined”? :smile:) for this rock-cat race.

BAHAHA. lets do it.

but yeah they said racials matter,but they also talked about how some race might mine faster, i think the different races should have different innate roles in society. how do you say it… like 1 race is a nomadic people who are known for trading and they get bonuses to moving over long distances of land and to trade, another race might naturally gifted in crafting and hence they are better, some race are stalkers so they get night vision + faster reflexes, that stuff. but indeed its gonna be interested to see what they come up with.

Short list of what i think i have heard them talk about (in brainstorm)

A race that mines faster
A race that glides in the air
A race that can climb up blocks
A race that can place 2 blocks for 1 blocks price
A race that have faster movement
A race that can breathe underwater (not sure if they ever mentioned this though)

but this is just old old things the dev have mentioned might be a possible racial. talking about racials are going to be very interesting, but i would personally prefer to wait until we see the races and how they play into the lore.

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I won’t lie. I hope for at least one cutesy race that is animalistic, with a tail and all. I can’t resist an opportunity to be adorable and a bad*** on the same character :smile:


I just thought of something, what about races that have mechanics as racial traits? an example would be grappling hook, it seems that that might be a big part of the game, what about having a race which can use its hand as grappling hook? like a tree race that shoots roots or vines and uses those as hooks, that would be be so badass xD

another idea could be, if there are mounts in the game then some race might be able to run on all four and run as fast as a mount without having one.


The 1st gears the characters will use when they are released should seems like a tribal cloths, and with time evolve it to complex armor.