Art: Prefabs + Natural Props Concept

Amazing ideas for prefabs and natural props! all of them!

Another vote for bio luminescent nature and wildlife. I would love to decorate with it.


Leaves, grass and trunk blocks doesnā€™t fall exactly into prefabs/natural props, which Iā€™m focusing on right now, so Iā€™m not entirely sure yet if weā€™ll be including variations on that yet. Iā€™m hoping to have more variants too on them.


Cant wait! Great job like always guys

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Yes!! Amazing, all of them!

These really add ā€œflavourā€ to the surroundings.

Brilliant, nice job guys!

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Great! All of them. If you should add those, make sure the plants have a minor geometric appeal to them (not too organic) in order that those fit to the voxel graphic engine.
My fave also is 18.

awesome work,love number 18 :heart_eyes:

19 is kewl!

Some of these didnā€™t make it to live. What does this meaaaaan? We need MOOORE :joy:.


OMG YES OMG YES OMG YES YES YES PLEASE !!! I want those looks fantastic !!!

And still not in game :frowning:

tenor (7)

Cause itā€™s awesome and I want them all.

(Some made it in it appears, but not all.)