Atlases can be used on the exo-planets, and you can save locations on them (since you need to with a warp augmented totem to even get there in the first place with a warp), and get progression rewards for discovering all regions of an exo-planet etc and add to your places world’s list…
but when the world is destroyed, all data about it will be removed, so all saved locations, all location tokens etc, and any atlases assigned to that world will be reset back to an empty unactivated atlas; the only thing that remains is the progression awarded so your xp doesnt suddenly go down if you had discovered all regions and then the world was deleted.
It was discussed being able to keep the atlas reflecting what the world used to look like, but considered not worth the effort/complexity it would add; planetary data is requested from the game server… which wouldnt exist any more, so we’d need new paths for the game servers to upload data somewhere before they get shut down that clients can request the data from instead, but even then there are more costs to be able to keep that data valid when things change (As they inevitably do) and that data requires migrating which there would be no game server to do any more as well. Even just knowing the name of the world requires us to keep and maintain data about what the world used to be which would need paths to be able to migrate when things change there too; just not worth the cost/complexity.