AUS Level 4(T3) Planet?

Good Morning Everyone.

Just nuked 7k coins trying to find an AUS Lvl4 Planet, But cannot find one?

Surely it exists, But I have this feeling it does not. Some clarification would be nice because I cant dodge attacks on other servers well enough due to ping, and don’t want to have to grind 10 more levels to have the armor needed to tank them. Im getting stuck here, I need Silver or Gold but Boori does not seem to have it.



It doesn’t exist afaik

AUS only has 3 planets so far … I’m guessing as the player base there is a little smaller than other regions

Delta Cancret will be the next step up for you (~6 blinksecs from Boori), although there are no higher metals here (coal world). I’m hoping to get a portal to Till up soon; plenty of metal there.

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true that AU is a bit in trouble for silver; the closest 3rd tier is a coal world so getting higher metals require more coin travel and all :confused:

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