Auto Join Guild Permissions

If I set a guild book out and have auto join enabled, can I have a lock somewhere else that they can access immediately, or must I manually give permissions to the new members?


i think they just joined the guild member list but they dont get rights
but to be sure find a person and test it out then ya 100 procent about it
dont wonna be responsible for anything but pretty sure it goes like that


Auto join means you don’t need to accept requests - as soon as someone hits join button, they become member.

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I think you have to give permission manually at the lock so they can use the storage.

Even thought it auto-joined the guild.


correct enable auto join just lets them join only without permissions, just as you would accept them they start without permissions too. so you still have to set permissions


Would be useful if you could auto set permissions, then you could make a dungeon with different guilds for each layer.

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I had this question too, I only have a friend in our guild, but he couldn’t use any advanced locks even tho i gave them guild permission and its a guild aligned beacon. I had to also check them off individually in the lock. I assumed because they are in my friends list and the X on them is conflicting. If they are not in your friends list tho will it allow them based on being guild if its checked?

nah lets do a full dungeon builder and :wink: interactive props instead


Thanks for all the replies everyone. If I can’t do it the way I was thinking maybe I can get some help with my idea. It looks like you guys already had this in mind but I am making a maze that will have a “key” in one location and a locked door in another. What’s another method I might be able to employ?

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You can set the standard locks to be usable by any guild member as far as I can tell.

Oh ok I think I knew that lol. It just seemed to me that if I set the lock to be accessible to guild, then it should be accessible to any in the guild? I thought it was similar to what you were saying and I couldn’t get that to work. I thought maybe because they are in my friends list and if they are not allowed there (X next to name) then it doesn’t work, conflicts with the guild permission. Could be wrong on that tho, Idk lol.

Maybe offering a location token to the other side of the door? :confused: sorry that’s the best idea I can come up with

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You can?

Afaik you have to perm people one by one. I’d love to learn I’m wrong!

You have to manually give them the perms, though. I was looking for a way to make it automatic for dungeon progress, kind of like a key.

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Another option is to have a large number of one-way death traps. Unless you know the exact one that is safe (a password you find somewhere else in the dungeon) you die. If you “return here” you get teleported out of the dungeon due to its size.

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Yeah I want that too