Auto / smart / advanced signs (storage/machine labels)

Had a random QOL idea: slap an advanced sign on a storage box (or maybe whack a normal sign with an auto-door spanner) and the sign will be auto updated with the emoji for the top 1-3 items in whatever storage it is placed on… that way you can easily see which boxes/machines has stuff in it and roughly what it is.

Since the client has no idea what is in storage boxes until they are activated, the update for the signs could happen whenever it is opened and stored in the sign until the next time someone looks in it.

Oh yeah… emojis are gleam club only… there could be an option to display the # of items stored, ether by interacting with the sign or additional hits with the auto-door spanner to cycle modes. Also we would need more item emojis… but we already have the basic resources with potentially more on the way? :thinking:


Nice one.
I just thought about those messy storages that contain a bit of everything though :joy:
Option to toggle between displaying top three in order and top three in quantity?

Super idea for organised people, like meself :heart_eyes: at least most of the time lol

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I’d also like top 3 in quantity. Some of my chests have item A in the first few rows and item B in the next few rows.

I usually try not to put signs on my chests because I don’t want to E-to-interact the sign when I’m trying to interact with the chest. So I think an even cooler thing would be a fancy chest with a screen that updates whenever you interact with it, and the screen just looks like the appropriate item. Or maybe instead of a screen, a transparent hologram appears when you mouse over. This also avoids the emoji/gleam club problems.


So, like a shop stand? :joy: