B.U.T.T Forged items list? @Mayumichi [Closed]

So I think I read something from @Mayumichi way back talking about a forged item list section in the B.U.T.T and was wondering if this was going to be implemented at some point? Correct me if I’m wrong @Mayumichi, maybe I’m day dreaming lol but would be really nice if this could be a thing.

Reason is, I have AOE diamond/ruby Speed/Dmg hammers for sale on my Sov (Paragon) but when you search B.U.T.T it only shows lowest price which is my unforged hammers and does not show my forged hammers and prices. (Which everyone knows this)

I understand why it doesn’t show both because the list for everyone’s shop/planet would be incredibly long including forged and unforged items. and maybe the website wizardry will not allow this to be possible.

B.U.T.T is a beautiful thing (Shout out to Mayumichi!) And I think everyone can agree with me, but at some point do you think this is a possibility or are the devs going to have to have a knowledge-search-forged section in game?

I would love to hear reasons and or suggestions about how to maybe solve this problem. I think it would be incredibly helpful for everyone especially players that have Sov planets at the end of the universe which are too far for portals into major hubs (104 blinks away, + too expensive to maintain with oort if it was possible).

Off topic for one second------

I like not having to deal with the headache of having a shop in town and keeping it filled or risk being evicted. (Because I like being a 1 man show) Reason I came back to the game after an extended break was that before it was too stressful and it felt like I was working 2 jobs in real life. So I wanted a Sov, and I could sell things as I accumulated them at my own pace and thats what is keeping me interested and hooked back into the game. (No stress = happy camper!)

Long story short…

Way to search just forged items no matter how close or far any player is from the boundless sun! :smile: :wink:

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Forge qualities simply aren’t available via the developer supplied shop API. This is impossible without Wonderstruck adding forge info to the API.

A workaround for this is to have one type of forged good per beacon and name the beacon with the forge info. It takes a lot more space, but it lets you communicate that. I don’t know if anyone is actually doing this, though.

read that wrong the first time,
that makes sense, so if you did this then your items would show up as 2 different beacon names on the B.U.T.T list?, (1, forged beacon name with forged items) and (2,-unforged beacon name with unforged items of the same item)? and they would both show up on the same item list? if everybody started doing this wouldnt it bombard B.U.T.T and lists would be incredibly long?

So if the info is pulled from beacons to identify which is which, then couldnt we have an option in the beacon to change it to - Lets say “Forged items beacon” and default would always be “unforged items beacon”? that way it would only allow you to sell either or, in its respective beacon? and when searching, maybe the forged items in B.U.T.T could be in its own seperate list entirely?

you have a limit of 256 beacons, so you could just setup 1 beacon per 1x1x1 plot with 1 stand and change the name so that its reported in butt under the beacon name column.

no changes needed.But i guess you could come up with some sort of short code like P9A4M3 being the beaconname and then it selling hammers/axes/shovels with Power 9 AoE 4 and Mangatize 3 being the forge values


Hmm, that is definitely a good idea, might have to do that for now. I hope by posting this it doesnt take hold and make item lists infinitely longer in B.U.T.T lol

Just would be nice to have its own category when searching, but that seems like it might be 1 heck of a problem in itself

I did this some time ago, but there was a limitation. The list of items available is limited to N entries (10-20-30 I don’t know exactly). This means that if there are N beacons that are selling your product (diamond hammer for ex) you are not going to show up in the list (and the api used for butt I think has the same limitation).
In my case I had 10 beacons and only 2 were showing up. Another issue is that by adding a lot of beacons with the same product (presuming you have the lowest price on the planet for that item) you are actually stealing visibility from other players. That is actually why I scraped my plan on doing this. As a workaround for not showing up in the list I always had 1 not forged item at a low price, even if the price was not showing up, at least I was letting ppl know that I have a specific forge.
Now that private planets exist changes things, so you could setup a forge planet just for visibility on butt :slight_smile:

If the API is not keeping track of the forge element, than a beacon name sistem as @Rydralain suggested could work.
It doesn’t even need to be a long name but it might need to be a complicated one.

For this I see as a solution a short beacon name based on a pattern set by @Mayumichi, where he can check the beacon name and based on that place the shops in that beacon on a separate filter/section.
For more complex information, there can be done either a pattern generator or a database where people can input and link forge info based on beacon name.
The only thing I see here that is constant… is that there will be more work to be done by the dev of the BUTT site to have this. :slight_smile:

How would you prevent cheating and footfall traps? And people making useless trips to find just normal unforged gear?

ps. Cheating: I can put a hammer for sale and say “3800 durability” but sell the ones with 3400 or 3600… because nobody has time to check everything.


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The info in the replies is correct, the API doesn’t provide the data necessary for this. The only way to make it known it’s forged is to change the beacon name. But since the API provides the the same exact list that you can see in the shopping tab of the knowledge window, they’re sorted by lowest price and limited to X entries. So if the planet is popular or you have just so many different beacons selling the same item, it won’t be picked up by BUTT either.

@thestrategiclion This has been thought about, but the conclusion was I’d rather not build something and then have it superseded by the devs giving access to the forge data at some point. Granted it’s starting to look like it’s not going to happen.


Yea, I do think the same, if it is to be done, should be done by a dev, and also would not necesarily offer the forge info, parsing all those hammers would extent the cron/job time by a hole lot, which I see it as a reason for not providing it in the first place cuz the optimization of it would be a pain. But if they will manage to add it in the future, would be a nice addition to the market interface.

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By providing a way to “review” the shop, give it stars… Stuff like that. Not report as that would be a too harsh action. But a way to let others jnow that that shop is bogus.
this could also be a thing for BUTT, if… There is a way to authenticate the reviewer

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There is an ingame ‘report beacon’ function that when reported enough, turns off the shop discoverability so it won’t show up in the knowledge tab. Think it still shows up on BUTT tho, and I did suggest it would be a great addition to have something similar before, it’ll be up to @Mayumichi.

Another reason to have that function on BUTT would be things like these…
image image image

I still find people asking where Oaken Spear is :rofl:
Those planets are long gone xD

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No the report beacon functionality will hide it from BUTT as well, the old sovereign data still being visible isn’t related to that, but to the fact that BUTT was built before sovereigns existed so planets being removed from the universe wasn’t accounted for. I just haven’t had the time to add any functionality related to sovereigns :frowning:


Thank you everybody for all your responses! I now have a new appreciation for the reasons regarding my post


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