Beacon above another beacon

At the moment it’s not possible to place a beacon above another beacon. No matter how many plots away the other beacon is. BUT it would be great to do it! And I have an idea for this problem: Why don’t you make an option in the beacon control where you can turn it on/off to allow other people to place their beacon above or under your plots? And maybe an option how many plots away it should be. People who don’t want it don’t have to enable it. But people who want it can enable it.

Example: I build a big foundation for a city and enable the option so other people can place their beacon above my foundation and start a shop there.

Maybe we’ll see something like this for guilds where every member has its own beacon in a city with beacons above and under others. I’d like to have this option. It is sometimes really annoying if someone has a beacon many plots down or up and you can not place a beacon cause of this.


i find beacons interesting. i wish we could have the beacon effect back from the java version (toggled)

and in real estate, when you buy a condominium youre actually buying an “AIR LOT” and not the building or land or anything like that. youre literally buying the space between the walls where you would live and decorate.

air lots. reminds me of beacons sort of.

so when you buy land, as real property, you own the land, and the air above and ground below.

if its not the land youre buying, then its likely just an air lot. XD


Absolutely agree with you @DarthNott .
There definitely needs to be something done about this vertical plot blocking (preferable removing it entirely).

I had the exact same line of thought.
That’s why I’m going to beacon a 1 plot high square as large as possible at launch, to get the most value out of my plots (and to annoy the people around me :wink:)

Hi, I’m just here to do this:

Because the alternative was to raise another thread for it, which would be wasteful.
Think of all those extra cycles at the AWS farm to keep that page alive and well!!

Anyway, yes, I very much vote for this because also:


The roads system is an actually nice feature of community building that (sure, it can be used to grief, but it won’t ‘steal’ a town) allows folks to ably link settlements with ease. But it’d be really cool if you could run roads through/under/over … that’s all. :slight_smile:

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