Beacon footfall: is it too low? poll

Well my view is perfectly clear in that footfall needs to be removed completely and a better method for builders and community helpers be provided income. There are plenty of other designs and methods we could provide income that won’t require what Moe is having to go through or worse the fight for “optimum placing” of plots to leverage it.

Unfortunately, you didn’t provide an option to vote for removal which I would have selected.

If I had to pick one of the above I would say things are too early to decide because of the lack of a larger community base and competition from others that would have the same amount of plots and wishes to build as much.

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Once 1.0 comes and there are a hundred or more planets with private planets etc. too the whole discussion may become pretty moot. Most people make very little, if any income from footfall since most are scattered around in the countryside. 30 - 100 coins on a property total is not uncommon at all. Once we have many planets and private planets then there will be fewer communities people tend to go in and so an even smaller percentage of people who make money off of footfall will likely be the case. Those not interested in the footfall and prestige game will tend to gravitate to the low population planets (like many do now) and the private planets and ignore that. Some will be survivalists doing everything themselves. Others will make small communities where one or two people make and sell supplies to the other 10 or 20. Artists will do art for the sake of art. Some folks will be PvP players that care only about that and will have little or no interaction with non-PvP planets. In most any game that has PvP (especially if they have arenas) you see many players who join the game for the arena or PvP and never interact with the rest of the game. Money folks will gravitate to a few planets so they can compete with each other for money and many will stay away from those high population planets as much as possible. Me? I’ll probably stick to private planets as much as possible and rarely go to the populous places and I know many who plan on the same. For economics games I stick to dedicated economics games (and for now Star Citizen since there isn’t a lot to do at the moment beyond trading).

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So your saying that the game is going to be 100 times worse at release?!?

I highly doubt the dev’s are going to flood the game with planets when there is no population to support it…
it doesnt make sense from many perspectives, most importantly is the fact those planets will require cost to maintain the servers, and why inquire extra cost if there is no population to use it…

after 1.0 100s of planets will be perfectly viable. there will be many more players and exsploration is a main theme.
people will always congogate together. there will mosey likely be many larger city’s spread threw out the multiverse and tons more smaller setlments.

after 1.0 it would be nice if there was this huge influx of people but we need to be realistic if they release with 50 planets that would be sensible and expand IF we really do get this big influx otherwise ElfMarines predictions could come to pass…

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It wasn’t a prediction. It has been stated several times including how planets would be created and they can easily have hundreds. Here is just one small example:

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Just because the game can support 100s and 100s of planets, it doesn’t mean it will need to do so at launch. The key aspect here is that it is now easier to dynamically add new worlds when they’re needed. This means the universe will scale with the player base.


James stated sometime ago that number of worlds on release will be scaled to predicted player base. Can be 50 can be 100. He didn’t say what population density they see as acceptable. Will they look for 100 per world or 1000 per world? Also, at the start all players are on home worlds and it will take some time before more of them will be able to migrate to other planets. Some worlds will always stay almost empty due to harsh conditions and mob difficulty. So even if we imagine 200 per world is ok, and 100 worlds are introduced for 20k initial players (arbitrary numbers), them 20k will be squeezed into 20-30 home worlds, and even after migration starts the 20k will probably stretch evenly over maybe half of the worlds while the other half will have small population.


My point is simply based on “The universe can and will be huge” discussions of specifics of footfall at this point are not necessary. The universe will change, the player base will change, new features will be added and all of it will drastically change the results people obtain who do demand footfall and therefor will change their perceptions of how much is enough, what is too low and what is too high. Yes, how footfall works as a general idea or if it’s necessary for some people or not is a worthwhile discussion for those interested. But, the specifics of quantity are pretty meaningless at the moment. There’s a military saying that “No plan survives first contact intact.” In the case of Boundless one might say “No plan survives universe or player base expansion intact.” :grinning:

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How about: instead of footfall going to the person with the build, it goes to the person visiting? That would encourage players to visit more builds.

All right, all right, so builders get some of the money too, maybe it would be more fair if equal amounts of money went to each.


That would lead to easy abuse.


I don’t think so.
Certainly no more than footfall in general.
You can only get footfall once a day.
And I’m pretty sure you could make more money gathering stuff and selling it.

It might encourage players to visit more places.


What it would do is, it would encourage 4 people to set up adjacent beacons in a 4-corners setup…

… And then build a slide that runs downward diagonally so that it crosses all 4 plots…

… And then put a portal at the bottom that drops you at the top of the slide…

… And then leave Boundless running in the background for all of eternity.


You can do this now…to generate money for the beacon owner. Are you expecting a lot?
Try it… it should generate a few coins every day…is that what you are expecting, or were you assuming coin every time the character slid by?

No, I understand that it only works once per day…

But I’m assuming that some people in this world will do anything they can to feel like they’re “gaming the system”, even if it’s the dumbest or least efficient thing they could possibly do.

That was just a joke scenario of what someone will probably do in an attempt to feel smarter.


Do we get footfall from friends on list if not we should . we all want to be friends there should not be a penalty for that.

I thought it was for people with certain permissions (not necessarily friends) because you can’t give non-friends permissions.

true - its permissions that cancel footfall

ok thank you did not know. :slight_smile:
I had herd it was anyone on your friends list.

I think this needs to be checked because I have noticed that any friend doesn’t provide footfall regardless of there permissions on beacons…