Beacon Functionality Rework

My suggestion here is to allow all characters on an account the ability to set any beacon owned by a character on the same account as their Home Beacon. I propose this because as it stands now, each character needs to have a beacon placed by them to have a home location set.

I use one character for all my building and my other characters are setup for other specific tasks and do not have their own beacons to be able to set as home. Yes I know that I can place a beacon, set it as home, and then remove the beacon and still have a home location. That isn’t very good though. I’d rather be able to have the same home location for all my characters. I could do this by cycling the owner of a beacon between all my characters and setting home for each but that’s a lot of work.

Along with this it would also be nice for all characters on an account to automatically have full permissions on all beacons owned by that account. It’s a pain to have to manually set those permissions for every one of my characters each time I beacon an area.


The reason it’s not auto set because there are families that play on the same account and may not want to have perms on each other’s accounts. I have 2 alts(tho barely ever used) they don’t even have home beacons lol. Also if you don’t mind so much you could always put 4 beacons right next to each other with plots for each person right there and have those set as home and put the rest of the plots on your main used character(just make sure the other 3 beacons hit 10k prestige)

A private guild can be used for easier permission management as a workaround. A guild control is pretty cheap to craft. But you still have to remember to align new beacons to the guild, I forget to do that 90% of the time…

It think that is a reasonable request.

There could be a option in the settings menu of the main char to allow this or not.

Also, we should have the option to give all chars on the same account the ability to collect footfall from any beacon on that account, this would b extremely useful for situation where it is not appropriate to have the beacons on a private guild.

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You have to visit the plot one a week anyway with the plot owning char, or your footfall will decrease. Why not just collect the footfall then?

Make plots, beacons and footfall account wide…

call a beacon home beacon and let each alt tag it works for me :smiley:

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Got to discussing this with someone in my guild and had a thought to expand on this idea.

So first, allow for the option to have each character on an account set another character’s beacon from the same account as home beacon.

Second, allow for the option to auto add your other characters on your account to a beacon owned by a character on your account with full permissions.

Third, allow placing a new beacon above or below an area beaconed by your character or optionally another character on your account. This would allow for you to utilize more of your plot column(s) and also have different builds on different levels in the same column be named different things.

All of these can be options that are toggled per beacon beacon to allow for other characters being used by other household members that you may not wish to have these things apply to.

(Note: Because this has expanded to be so much more than just about home beacons, I have changed the topic title)

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