Beacon Glitch?

As you can see my Beacon is acting wired, it wont show at the top that its my home and I cant use my trading standards as the owner. I am currently making a long runway, and I think it is to big for the Beacon so was wondering if anyone else had the same problem? :grin:

The world is divided into predefined plots that the Beacon then claims. So it might be that the beacon is claiming from your feet down. You can craft a beacon plotter or Beacon plot remover from a crafting table for free. If you equip one of those and nothing else then you can see a shaded representation of what your beacons are claiming.

I know that but even the shaded representation is disappearing I just think you cant make your beacon plots too long.

Hmm that’s odd… I’ve made some rather long ones b4 for roads… how long Is you runway?

Actually you can. @AnnieGYG has used over 200 plots continuously if I’m correct.

Also what are the coordinates? Would like to have a look in game

That was also my plan but when my trading post start to glitch out after 30-20 plots I didnt want to do it anymore. I am just gonna make some beacons and place them on a new spot when it starts to glitch.

Around 30 plots straight and less it will start to glitch out and my location is Solum (-558, 65, -412) but have a portal to my home at the city.

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I have an issue if I am using the plotter tool to see my plots. they disappear from sight for some reason. I think it might have to do with chunks and which chunk the control is vs where the plots are being placed. The land is still beaconed, but it is annoying to not have the beacon name display.

We can’t reproduce the issue as shown in the screenshot below. Is it still occurring for you?

This also happened to me after pressing ‘E’ on the Beacon did it twice to check

I can redo the glitch, just place your beacon and add plots in one direction and it will happen at some point. I was at 180 or 190 plots when it happened to me. To fix it I just removed my beacon and placed it once more but I needed to add all the plots once more and when the walls from the Beacon plotter start to disappear I had to place a new beacon/home cant be connected to keep the glitch away.

Is that the right video? It doesn’t match the description below it.

that was before I fixed it :slight_smile: did return to the sanctrum to see if it would go away.