Beacon option: show beacon

id like a toggle option that would allow me to turn off the beacon plot lines of my beacons for other players, so that my secret shops arent so easily spotted! perhaps the option to hide it from others compasses would be nice too!

the secret shops i am referring to : Secret Shop #2: Red Diamond and Secret Shop #1

I’d like to vote against this, would make placing beacons and plots very annoying to other players.


players who are in townships shouldnt use that option, and usually someone has the main beacon everyone is attaching too and as such the ui should prevent that.

however, being able to run with the plotter in your hand and being able to see beacon placements by the plot lines that extend into the sky ruins the fun of hiding your base/ discovery of others stuff.

Potentially we can find a balance point.

  1. At what range should a player prospecting for a new home should they be able to see other beacons? (5m too small, 500m too far).

  2. What should control if a beacon does or doesn’t show up in the compass of other players? (An option on the beacon? “Secret” or “Promote”.)


Both of those are great points! and i like both aspects.

If we get a Secret / Promote option which i would `100% love, perhaps the distance on promote could be related to your miner rank. Maybe something like (X Plots)Miner Rank= distance promoted

as for secret, a minimum radius would be fine. something like within 100 blocks distance the game tells you there is a secret near by. then we could get a tool that beeps or chimes when there are secrets nearby, and the closer you get the more frequent the chime. or perhaps an oortian chant in gradually increases in volume and intensity as you near the secret, perhaps the totem could get that responsibility (with a new upgrade maybe too, just nothing above silver plz lol)

i would like the idea if the most populated beacons or the size of it makes it more/less visible in compass so the “main” cities could always be visible no matter where you are, also it would be even cooler if the compass mark for those cities would be different from regular beacon marks and maybe provide small info/name of it when you hover your mouse over it.