A lot of people so far have been in favour of having a fuel source to power beacons - stipulating that the fuel source should be very easy to find and collect.
The only way I can realistically see that working would be to either have a single ‘block’ of fuel last at least 4 weeks, or if you want it to last less time, have every spare area of land littered with said fuel (ok may be a bit over the top, but you get the idea). If you want it super easy to find and collect, which will have to tie in with resource regeneration, you’d need to have the fuel be very efficient otherwise you would need to have a lot of the fuel blocks be visible to aways give you that easy part.
For me personally, fuelling a beacon is sounding very much like a job (and it will be a job no matter how quick you think it will be to achieve refuelling your beacon)… I already have a job… I want to play a game to not do a job, but to enjoy myself.
Others are questioning why should you want a beacon to last a long time not and not expire… personally I think an occasional player or even a new player would be put off by having a short time on beacons…
Example time:
You’re new to the game, you’ve progressed far enough to learn how to make a beacon to protect a plot of land, you collect all the required materials you need and build one, you built a small but comfortable dwelling and store a bunch of your stuff there - personal sense of achievement unlocked!
Now, the real world kicks in … you go away for 2-3 weeks (for whatever reason), without realising you need to fuel your beacon (if a max fuel capability is tied into progression, as some have suggested, fuelling a beacons for a new player could possibly be limited to only 1 week anyway)… you come back, decide to play B< only to find everything you’ve built (no matter how small) is now gone (or worse, someone else is squatting exactly where you left your dwelling… that previous sense of achievement is now dead for that player.
The probability that they will want to play the game right away and build/collect everything again…? Not very high. In my opinion, this sort of scenario is more likely to push people away from the game and onto something else. It would certainly frustrate me, I know that much!
I’m still deeply in favour of not having a fuel source … as I don’t want to have to do a weekly (or whatever interval) grind getting it. Having to do a continual grind is one of the reasons I stopped playing games like WoW. I would much rather have a notification either by email (for PC players) or whatever notification system is easiest for PS4, to tell me my beacon is due to expire in X days/weeks, and then just log in to refresh my claim(s).
I also think arguments over the aesthetics of a beacon where someone hasn’t visited for some time, is negligible… there are many self-confessed non-builders on these forums, who by all accounts may well have ugly buildings (sorry, but it’s a possibility - unless you hire a builder ). You’re not always going to like the things that other people build - it’s what makes everyone unique - we all have different views and ideas (both on forums and in game!).
Personally I think that, whatever happens, Boundless needs to be as accessible to as many players as possible, for as long as possible. If that means not regen’ing a shack that someone built up to 3 months ago, in the hope that they will come back and continue to play again, I seriously do not have a problem with that - the more the merrier!
… and my apologies for the massive brain dump post! Happy Friday