Beacon plotter lock and unlock

Like the title says a Beacon Plotter Lock and Unlock would be nice to have so when you are done makeing something in a area of you plot / build you can lock it so you dont destroy anything.

Like at times when you click out from your inv it starts spamming the left click for no reason or just misclick with bombs, hammers, chisels etc :slight_smile:


James mentioned that they might add permissions for the owner to the beacon. I think this should be a very high priority if they can’t fix this bug.


This is something I as well have suggested in the past.

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Protecting build area would be good improvement.

On the beacon itself…? I can see some odd cases happening where the owner might be able to lock himself and/or herself away from the beacon and can no longer get to it to change it.

Also if it is only on the beacon, that would be a bit useless for me. I hope they also put in a tool that we can use to unlock and lock select plots as well.


I only would want to lock some of the plots, Not all 2669+

yea I wold like to keep building in other areas of my build still :smiley:

I would like to see something added for this also :).

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This could be a non-issue by allowing beacon lock status to be changed from the locations->beacons menu directly?

Though I can see what you mean about plot-level protection too, and in a way, yeah, that could be quite useful. Personally I can see myself using both modes in different situations each, if they both existed at the same time.

A way of locking building just for myself would be good too, on other peoples’ beacons where I have permissions and don’t want to be breaking blocks because I decided to attack a creature wandering about using fists or something. But that might be a pretty specific edge-case scenario, I don’t know.

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