Beacon Protection system v2

It’s a very well thought out system, but I’m happy to wait to see the specifics of what the devs have been working on. From a logistical standpoint this seems fairly complex (even if it wouldn’t be in practice) and I could see it being difficult to get that information to the average player. Don’t take this as criticism, just giving you some feedback.


Really interesting to read @Karokendo - thanks for taking the time to propose and share this. It’s definitely something I’m going to discuss with the designers.

Whilst reading it I was thinking the same as @DanBeforeTime that it’s quite complex. It’s complex because it’s trying a complex problem. It’s not always easy to find simple solutions to complex problems. I would definitely look for ways to simplify the proposed solution whilst retaining the most essential features.


I don’t like the idea of removing anything that is built to some extent. I haven’t had much encounters with bigger builds that are abandoned, and I think mostly the one-plot-nothing-built-on-it type are the problem. I see those all around. Fot that type it would be probably the best if it would be possible to remove them almost automatically like when other player initiates removal plot is auto removed if:

  • owner hasn’t signed in for a month (or some other short-ish time)
  • beacon plot is the only one
  • probably would be nice to send owner an email before removal, give 24h to react

Fot the bigger ones, probably the OP’s system would work nicely (tweak here and there).

My point is that it is not one problem that should be solved with one implementation, but it can be broken into few separate ones ranging from simple to complex.
For cases like said temple (huge builds), I would go with - do not allow removal at all. If something is properly built, it would be nice to keep it, we’re talking about hours upon hours of resource gathering, building, tweaking the build, etc. I think that’s to valueable to remove for whatever reason. One thing I would allow for those would be vertical claim for other players, like building on top of/below that, that would be interesting to have new stuff on top of old (kinda like old cities). Of course that wouldn’t work for extremly tall builds :smiley: And so on…

Check out the latest post from us about this topic here:

I am just going to close this thread to prevent cross thread conversations on this topic. :slight_smile: