Beacons force expired with Gleam Club still active by an Admin

I want to apologize to everyone for the aggressiveness of my response above.

The person that reported darkartz’ plots is an habitual harasser of the Boundless community, and I incorrectly let it get under my skin.

Again, I apologize for my response.

-General Shogun


Since you pointed me explicit above, i got your appologize :wink:

At Aqua embassy we have a player that have around 400 plots laid down like spaghetti.

Prevented town to grow properly early on… now the olace its just dust in the wind.

I talked about this with you @james way back, but i still think its at least at the Grey area how that spaghetti roll is made…
Im not mad… anymore… there was a time when i was cause i was more into for this game.


Thanks Kralith :grinning: you rock :heart_eyes:

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the game is not over, the developers can change whatever they want, it puts it clearly in the specifications, until the game is not officially finished, they can retouch everything they want, before buying a game, ground, Inform me before and 2 years ago when I bought it, it was already specified, therefore, as much as I do not like the changes, they have every right to change them and make the game more comfortable for everyone, I am satisfied with how they solve these problems of the beacons, like other updates have not pleased me, but until they finish the game is what it touches, if you want them to change nothing, wait for the game to end and then you can complain

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I would like to see proof that these beacons were griefing. You can start replying to my DMs anytime @james . I guarantee you cannot provide any evidence of griefing.

I am not complaining, nor am I saying that I will leave the game or that I feel cheated by the game or by its decisions as a company. I’m just asking for transparency.

If that transparency does not come, I do not renew the subscription again and that’s it. For me it is not a problem, cost savings in my personal finances. The only thing that would change is that I would stop investing in the game and in the company. It is not a complaint, it is a warning as a user and consumer. There is no more than that.

For my part in the game, it would mean that I have to go to my beacons more regularly to feed them.

NOOOO, with this I hope that it is clear to you, that you will not delete anything, as long as you do not disturb other players, block them with your plots or surround them, they will never touch you, in this case, I am sure that the affected , I was bothering another player and that’s why they deleted him, lose him, from experience, he already happened to a friend, who has never played again, but that is the decision of each one, many will never leave him and for a few trolls that they do not play and complain, I don’t give it the slightest importance

That sounds familiar to situations I’ve observed in other games.

In Ark Survival Evolved, on an official PvE server, I have seen players purposefully build next to and up against others who have their structures placed there far longer than their neighbor.

A newer, younger neighbor reported our neighbor. My tribemate told me that our neighbor has been on the serer since day one, far longer than the reporter, whose name I wont say in respect of people (and because it was a bit inappropriate of a name). The GM that handled the report deleted my tribemate’s friend structures that were also protecting rare resources (and we lost some of those resource spawn areas as that reporter built over them). The reporter boldly declared that they report people because it is fun, and proceeded to build into the area of the person he reported.

And from my experiences with that individual who filed the reports, nothing but malicious intent and cruelty spewed out of him… And then he started to build near my base, and threaten me verbally with words of reporting my tribe.

I got the heck out of there, terrified, because if he successfully got my friend’s friends structures removed with that tactic, I wasnt going to be his next victim.

Plenty more servers and places to build.

But this seems all too familiar tactic in land claiming on games. Using a GM to get the land you want… I dont know if this thread here is a case of that, but it can and does happen elsewhere.

I hope GM’s are able to look at the beacons to see whom placed first.

The lack of knowing who placed first in this Ark situation left the GM, whom is only human, to make a best guess on whom was griefing whom. If there was a record of who placed the structures first in Ark, it would have shown the reporter was the griefer, and not his victim.

But I cant know what it is for this situation.
I just know it happens. People grief, people make mistakes.
People are human.


Hostile behavior over empty beacons won’t help the case. If there weren’t any loots in it I’d just let it go. I’ve been going back and removing stray beacons of my own when I can. It’s not good for the game to have a bunch of little nothings claimed forever :sweat:


As a guy who played since launch, ive read a few of these kinds of threads in my time here. My personal opinion is, that the devs seem to carry out these sentences with great sensitivity to the problematic issues, that players share their concerns with. The principle of the devs not sharing name nor shame is a principle very dear to me. Players are the worst at figuring out whether a banhammer or a plot deletion is fair or not, as we never have the tools the devs have for discerning whether a player has a case against another or not. I’m sorry for OPs loss, but whether he meant to grief or not, the plots were deemed griefing another player. I can absolutely live with that, as I would absolutely accept my fate, should i ever be in the receiving end of a deletion of my plots.

I genuinely care more about the devs going to great lengths to preserve contents of plots, moreso than i care for said plots locations. I may not have been griefing on purpose, but I trust the devs to make that call, based on the impact on settlements, or just one affected player, should i ever face such a situation myself.

I dont appreciate the tribalism on these boards. People back their people and theyll back them in the face of lack of information, which doesnt lend itself well to fairness, nor justice. The only way to ensure a good space in the community, is for us to trust the devs to make unbiased decisions.

Im not a blind fanboy either - if we find examples of injustice, favoritism, nepotism or anything else proving without a shred of doubt, that there was foul play, we should criticize the dev team vigorously, for a lack of integrity.

I just havent personally experienced such lack of integrity yet, which leads me to believe, that this dev team is struggling to keep their integrity intact, which I appreciate.


Nothing to do with the devs my friend, I bowed to the moaning

I don’t understand what you wanted to tell me

If the dev team cared at all about integrity they would have contacted me first. Even contacting me now with any proof that these beacons were anything other than place holders would address my issue of this being a targeted attack. But as of this moment I can only assume foul play.

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That I don’t have to trust or distrust anyone. I don’t play this game to play judge and see who meets the rules or not, or to play detective and interpret if someone lies or something.

The fact is that some beacons have been removed, that there has been no opportunity to defend themselves and that the user paid a subscription to not have to go to their beacons to feed them, but they have been deleted without warning. Without that courtesy that the developers themselves ask us for our in-game activities. And I do not like that.

Another fact is that all they say is that it has caused grief, and I still don’t know what it means or what criteria or characteristics define something as subjective as this. As I understand it, Grief, means: pain, loss, grief, that is, feelings. Unless they explain what caused the grief. That is the transparency that I ask as a consumer to the company that is offering me its service.

If they don’t give that transparency, as a consumer, I don’t like it and I don’t pay for a service that I don’t like. This particular case is not important, it is one of many apparently, and that song that developers take actions with favoritism has long been around the forums, and that they are not giving legal certainty to users by taking advantage of their right to removing plots without notice is also a fact. All that opacity, as a user and consumer of a service, I don’t like.

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If we are not going to receive any additional conclusive info (which should be private between the parties involved and the devs anyway), then I do not see a point in allowing this thread to continue. It should be locked or moved to a group PM.

Otherwise, it will only lead to players accusing each other, speculation, and no further resolution.


The word is “griefing” a type of gaming activity in multiplayer games. When a player is using in game objects to interfere in another player’s ability to enjoy the game. The word has been around for a while. Griefing in WoW was done with size enhancers, and a huge mount so you cant see stuff under them. I had someone do this to me a few times, I lost loot at a result, or was unable to access an NPC, situations that dont happen in current WoW due to unobstructable NPC’s and no more accidental flags being turned on when you select a player with their flag on, or fire an AOE or splash damage etc etc.

In games with player placed structures, grieifing is placing structures in order to cause irritation or disruption to others enjoyment of the game.

For this situation specifically, either the OP griefed with their plots, or someone surrounded their plots and reported them. We cant know for sure (I personally dont want to know for this situation, I’m watching this as I want to make sure I wont be victimized by others if they try and target me)

Griefing (action) in this context is not the same as grief (feeling). For this situation, the word griefing is referring to an in-game action taken to cause irritation (grief) to another player.

I hope this helps.


but in this case, if they can do it, without prior notice and without any explanation, enough they have told you, since you are not the affected one, if you want to know more questions by pm to james or the affected one, in the thread they will not give nor names or say why, since only those affected are interested and before paying the flash club service, you should have read the rules that allow them to do what they want, you have bought the game, even without knowing the rules, you have already signed as a consumer that you agree to be subject to change without notice, sincerely, until the game is over, what you both say as a consumer, does not affect them at all, as they notify you before you buy the game, the fact that you complain about something that does not affect you or affect you, is a bit absurd, if you meet the community and do not behave like a troll, hurting others, you will never have problems

I dont want to be a victim of attacks by others in the future, I still feel uneasy and unsure here. I fear I might be a victim again, like my friend’s friend in Ark was. I want to take steps to make sure I’m not going to lose my stuff because someone else manipulated situations to report my beacons.

Edit to add: I personally am not needing/wanting to know who is guilty for this situation past. I want to know how to prevent myself from being a victim in the future.

I’m concerned for the safety of my own projects.


I understand what is wanted from this thread, but the devs have made their decisions & no further actions/info will be taken/provided. This thread will continue to devolve & go in circles until it’s locked.

Perhaps a new “changes you’d like to see made to the CoC” thread should be made :woman_shrugging: