Been places

Haven’t checked in here for a good while. I just logged in quick to see the dead landscape that was my home on Malurialakrib. I had to quit simply because I got diagnosed with CML, or chronic myeloid leukemia. This all started for me over a year ago April. After I was convinced to see a doctor and do a blood test, which is all it took to end up at the ER with complications leading to a coma (which I have to say was spectacular as I was stuck in a dream for about three weeks. Details aside I woke up to a very frail body, have had to go through therapy and bip bam boom here I am, not sure about a whole lot except that 1) this is not the end and 2) I forget what 2 is. Anyway tl:Dr

I have cancer, I love you all. Renaming planet Earth to Chillville, see y’all around :kissing_heart::heart:‍:fire::beers:


Welcome back :slight_smile:

Was myself heavy drugged for four months at intensive care where the world turn to some strange places. Both fun and scary ones.

But i survived to the doctors surprise.

Good luck.


Fish hit me up old friend. :blue_heart:

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