Best potent or caustic world for shimmering orbs?

I tried Besevrona but didn’t find any anywhere.

Did you use an atlas?

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Well, no. But I don’t have any shimmering orbs, so I can’t. :smile:

I would suggest to buy 1 shimmering orb and to go to the worlds tab to check wich world has the highest rate of shimmering orbs and farm them


You can also use Glowing Lamella to find the same Glowcaps with an atlas.

Alternatively you can dig Growth for Shimmering Orbs as well.


What am I even looking for. I thought it was growth, but Bes doesn’t seem to have any.

Edit, answered above.

Shedu has a lot, from what I’ve seen

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Delta Cancret was my go-to for Growth until I had the skill tree and Forged shovels for higher planets.

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Norkyna has them in multitudes. they come from glowing caps and are mostly in the flat grassland biomes. take an atlas and maybe buy one orb for it.


The side benefit of the glow cap mushrooms instead of growth is that you get the glowing lamella as stated above. Need it for Gleam Lanterns. Unfortunately, it also means a lot of running and lower Shimmering Orb yields.


Personally, I like to chase down glow caps because of the extra lamella you get with the shimmering orbs. Make sure you have a lot of luck, and an atlas.


You can find FireBorn resource hub connect to Till PS HUB,

There is a shimmering orbs farm setup.
You need 1 aoe Shovels with hight level damage boon + 1 speed brew + 1 Persisting pie+ region bomb.
900 shimmering orbs / half pie time.


Do they happen to sell those shovels at the resource hub?

Um sorry we don’t sell forge shovels at resource hub,
But i think there are some nice shop in this game,
Ask in forum, there may be some people can help you for aoe shovels.
Usually around 18000c

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Side note, seems like convenient extra money for you. Here is the place for resources. …and you can buy everything you need to gather them!

Wish I was a forger, I’d offer to be your supplier. :slight_smile:

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Umm i will ask the forger in our city about it XD
I know they have region bomb setup in that resource hub.

But its a good advice. Thanks for help XD

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They are working on it, i think either tonight or tomorrow we will have stop shop for forge gears / pie / brew combo for gathering there :slight_smile:


I suggest go to farms . Theres few of those. You cab easily get more shimmerings that you would get by just running

One good part about finding glow caps is, like stated above, you also get the lamella, but you can also go without a forged tool. Besevrona usually does have a decent amount of them, but they get farmed regularly I believe (I check my atlas almost daily). Norkyna is a sure thing. Spending a few good hours exploring a planet when you haven’t been there before, finding glow caps and blasting roadrunners along the way usually brings a fair yield, and then you have a planet explored on top of it! :star_struck:

I know it’s been said at least once already(didn’t read any of the posts) but serenity’s haven(which is a shim farm) is really good to get them. It’s located in shedu tier thru the Ultima network. I usually get on average 200 per speed brew