Best way to make spark?

Yes, I was using a nonsense question. I was talking about BUTT.

I wonder how awkward it is to be told by someone in game, did you check butt?

And being that person that doesn’t know about it lol

Then you get reported…


Yeah, but which requires more prep? You can go to any T1 planet with a Tier 1 AoE shovel and gather lots of peat fast and easily.
T5&6 worlds require atmosphere protection and expensive forged AoE tools.

In the long run, which is more cost effective?


You are correct. I keep forgetting I was not born level 50+ :slight_smile:
I remember the early days, shoveling peaty soil with a copper shovel… If somebody gave me my own advice at that time, I would have found it useless.


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I mean even at lvl 50 you can mine smartstacks of peat in no time. Wouldn’t be surprised if you could actually get more spark out of the peat from 1 aoe shovel than you would from 1 aoe hammer. Mindless regen vs actually mining.


I find this to be true tbh. there’s enough regen farms out there on T1/T2 worlds, and with maxed out shovel and damage skills you just need a titanium shovel with 0 damage and AoE to one shot dirt/sand. meaning you can put those points into max speed, or crazy stuff like 0 energy shovels. Dig for half an hour and you get 3 inventoryfuls of peat to compact, that’s over 9k compact peat.

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Here I’ll fix your statement.

“Mindless regen vs mindless mining”

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Thanks everyone for your responses, it has helped me out a lot.

When i was setting up a lot of power coils i noticed that after 4800 power it didnt seem to be affecting the spark cost or craft time for what i was crafting anymore, is this the same for all craftables or just some?

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After a certain point, there is diminishing returns. The only machine I’ve seen having a full 24 coils on helping is the centraforge.


it depends on what you crafting if the thing requires 0 power it caps out lower than if it requires 4000, but at some point you are better off just sticking the coils on a second machine, if you are building a workshop with 10 machines of one time it starts to get pretty costly.

however i though i remember the spark cost still goes up with more coils


I did not know about the heat bonus, i think i will keep it for furnaces then and switch to a mixture of compact peat and buying spark for the generator

Soooo… I’m wrong. That’s a fallacy I must have heard once and believed myself. I just looked at them on the wiki and they give the same heat and spark. Deleting that comment^^

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No heat bonus, but the coals do have a higher speed multiplier. Makes things craft faster than peat/wood.


Yea so that’s the reason I only use coal in the furnace! Thanks :smile:


Compact combustion works great for furnaces. Also I use compact Peat for spark and for furnaces.

Cause I’m never in that much of a hurry.

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I use compact peat for everything, easy to make and farm, and it’s not too hard to increase furnace production, you just place more furnaces xD
It’s not like machines that need half a plot each, it’s only 2 blocks :wink:

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I get so much soft coal that I’ve just started compacting it. Now I use it in furnaces and still use peat in spark generators.