Best ways to get exp and level up?

Many months ago back when I played I remember that getting xp could be done in many ways.

You could simply level up a character without getting out of the base just by crafting.

You could go hunting or mining, or just trying to do it all. Like go mining, then queue stone refines in a stack of many crafting tables, then queue other recipes in any other craftining devices you got in your workshop`and always eat a teaching pie before aproaching the machines to maximize the xp gains.

But even though doing a mix of everything was most of the time the best, I remember mining was always ahead and granted more experience than any other method, “gleam farms with regen bombs” (boring as hell but effective).

In fact I remember @DKPuncherello claiming many times that it wasn’t balanced at all and it should get fixed so any profession got the same exp than mining.

It’s been a lot of months since I played and now that I am back with a group of friends(that are completely new to the game) I’d like to know in which ways the game has changed, so I can advise them the best ways to progress.

Any nerfs/buff ocured in any of those methods while I was out ?

Thanks in advance for your tips!

Go find a portal to THE FUTURE - enter @HOST’s region portals - take a teaching pie - you’ll get 200,000(?) XP.

Grab a SS of diamond hammers, some mega fast brews and some starberry pies and go to TNT Gleam Farm portal :slight_smile: - it’s in with the planet portals in the middle of TNT MegaHub :slight_smile:


Also, there’s a 16 hour marathon tonight - lots of XP there :wink:


As always has been, I love you. Almost as much as @Bethlehem does :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@bucfanpaka has a whole network of gem mines - lots of XP there too :slight_smile:


Thanks!! :smiley: Yep, and if not ready for a T6 I have an easier to access T5 mine - off TNT Serp, Paka’s Diamond Mine. Though you’ll get quicker exp with gleam, I level all my alts here once they get to lv 12 (and can get the protections) as it is a lot more profitable! (There are occasionally portals to other T5 mines there too when I play with sovereigns)


Thanks @bucfanpaka. I apreciate a lot this info. :kissing_heart:

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Hunting (In a Group) is one that you can do actively.

Crafting specific stuff like refined gleam is good For passive.

Im no powerleveler but those are just few options

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Thanks @Buugi we definetly want do do group hunting once they have finished creating their starting bases. :+1:

I find diversifying is a great way to level. If you’re going mining, refine some rock or gleam while you’re away and get an xp boost on your return.

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I find playing the game get you xp and levels you up pretty fast…

If you build anything, the process of clearing out that space will level you up…

if you put a marble floor on that space… the process of gathering orbs, bones, sap, metamorphic rock, gleam, and stuff to turn into vita essence will level you up… as you turn the bones and sap into glue, then turn it into bonding agent and then refine the rock or gleam.

all of that levels you up, then you go back to cook the marble and guess what… that levels you up…

then you place the marble floor and… shock… that levels you up too…

I needed about 800 plots for a beacon, the 40 levels to get the 800 plots were earned while clearing the space out underground and making the stuff to fill that beacon with stuff.

the 250 SS of marble were a large part of the xp needed to get those levels…

its already very grindy just to make any thing out of a decent looking material so my advice is if you really need XP you are probably just building out of dirt, build out of better materials…

NO refined doesn’t count at least make bricks…

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If you have any friends or some extra coin keeping a teaching pie active with everything you do helps a ton. Hunting, mining, clearing gleam etc. Ideally my process anymore is … level up so I can get to the FUTURE XP farm (take 2 teaching pies as one will run out before you finish them all) this should get you to about level 20-21 then just pick your poison.

Clearing gleam in the TNT Gleam Hub is probably the most stable and profitable way as gleam sells decently and also mints ok. Hunts are great, but do not occur that often. Mining is pretty quick too and pretty profitable. Crafting is good also…

Just remember to keep a teaching pie on ya and you’ll level quick.