Big Steam Sale! :)

If only we could transfer our PS4 characters to PC and vice versa, sigh

kicks another hopper

You canā€™t log on a PC with your account?

You can but you canā€™t use your characters from the other platformā€¦

They need to be transfered first and they need to code something for it which is probably really low priorityā€¦

Well, I guess I can understand why that would be low priority, because in most case, youā€™d still have a PS4 to go back to, unless it breaks down or somethingā€¦
But I hope theyā€™ll add that, yeah.

You can create a new character thatā€™s PC only on your account, though, right?

Yep you can but DLC, which Deluxe is, is not being transfered, neither is Gleam Club. Makes sense since both Steam and Sony would not be a fan of just buying where it is cheapest and then having it on the otherā€¦

Ooooooowh. Yeah, makes sense. Must sting, though.

I didnā€™t want to start a new thread, so I decided to use this one since there is a 50% off saleā€¦

If any devs have a few minutes to reply to the recent neg reviews, I think that would be helpful. Especially since thereā€™s a little bit of a spotlight on the game right now with the 50% off sale & everyone stuck at home. Iā€™m not discounting the reviews, but perhaps a reply on one or two of them would show that the team is active/involved/care.

  • 2 are in regards to losing their bases when their beacons went out.
  • One didnā€™t stick around for an hour.
  • The other one couldnā€™t do things fast enough (<ā€” this is why I caution against giving new players OP items right offā€¦they might rage-quit if they are aware of these items before they are able to make/buy them)

100% agreed. Iā€™d love to see dev responses to those reviews. It makes me so sad to see players leave bad reviews due to their own mistakes and misunderstandingsā€¦

Edit: Itā€™s like half of the bad reviewers just expect it to be another Minecraft cloneā€¦ and if it takes time and work to do things, they donā€™t want that. And then leaving a bad review because they donā€™t like having to put work into it? sigh

I definitely understand sadness about losing your stuff from your beacons going out. But itā€™s just plain wrong to go and leave the game a bad review when the game very blatantly explains the beacon system. They made a mistake, so they ā€œrage quitā€ and punish the gameā€™s review system. >.<


I posted a quick video on my Instagram. Hopefully it lures a couple people in.


Itā€™s like kicking a time bombā€¦u must be really hardcore! I would not dare, scared it might take my foot
And theres no way to purchase a new foot with cubits right nowā€¦

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I think this is something worth pinging @SamF & @Leahlemoncakes over. It would do the game good to have some of those negative reviews answered with facts.


I think this is probably a no win situation. You can give them the tools and then they find out they cannot make them or buy them and rage quit or not give them the tools and they read all the comments in the forums and discord where they are told that they should be using these items in order to be efficient or in order to gather smart stacks of resources quickly and they rage quit. So what is the right answer? When a tool is 900% more efficient (at least without all the recommended pies and potions), how do we expect new players to react?

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Like you do in any other MMOā€¦you ooh and ahhh at the gear the maxed players have, then figure out how to work towards that so you can do it too :grin::sunglasses::stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m glad DK tossed me my 1st AOE tool, back when the game first started. I didnā€™t know anything about AOE tools and was amazed by how great it was. When it was used up, I sold items until I had enough coin to buy an AOE hammer. I then started working towards obtaining coils. I liked the challenge/achievement.

Like some have said, there are some players that you can tell, would prefer to get right to the ā€œend-gameā€. If Boundless was against this, they would have added level gates for gear, but they have not.

I think some are just concerned with retention and would like to see a few more folks stick around so the game will grow.


I agree, retention has been poor and needs to get better. But this is why I disagree that giving a player a AOE tool is bad. If they find the game grindy then showing them the way to eliminate some of that may be one way to keep them playing versus leaving the game.


Its definitely going to have different effects on different players. Though which players will react in which ways will always be a roll of the dice. Best way to get people to stay is for boundless to skynet their machine and only boot up boundless when it is turned on and to shut the computer off when they try to exit the game. Donā€™t worry guys, I got this.


Done. Upgraded to deluxe. Thanks ! :slight_smile:


I donā€™t think this is bad. I think giving a new player an inventory of machines, coils, forged tools, etc would be overkill & could be harmful.


I give new players some cheap forged gem weapons, or an atlas.


He literally said he disagrees giving a player AOE tool is bad .Next time maybe quote the whole thing. :roll_eyes:

Yup and I was agreeing with him.

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