Bioluminescence: what's about fireflies, firerunies and fireswimies?

Here is already many times remembered about fireflies. It’s very charm in sweet night’s dark to see magical dance of small shining flies.
May we can be not limited by decorative flies?

I mean, it’s great idea to add some of luminescencing creatures, like a glowing polecat, for example. This can feed on lightstone and may be decoys by lamps. It can drop glowing skin and some like it.

Whats are you think, my oorthers?


I would love to see glowing fish like these


Pandora from Avatar had a lot of awesome too:


Real fireflys actually have an interesting attribute, they usually glow or lighten up in time intervals and are visible for only a second or so. It is very amazing to watch.

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Oort online has amazing lightning and it would be a shame if lamps and gleam would be the only blocks/props using it.
Here are some suggestions for other glowing blocks/props:

I think terraria had a great underground because of all the light sources (mostly plants) and I would love to see such things in Oort!
Please feel free to leave your suggestions and ideas in the comments


Would be pretty cool.

just not like the glowing flower from skyrim with the sound, that was sooo stressing xD

There is already a thread for this:
Anybody who know how to merge topics? @ben? @james?

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Not sure how to merge, but I like this and I like glowing things!


sorry I just love glowing things ._.

I found a guide :slight_smile:

Everyone can agree that moar glowy things = moar betterer. Yus.


Thanks!! I followed the instructions and taadaa! Merge complete.

Things that glow are really beautiful - and there are already a few things coming that take advantage of this. (What this space --> <—.)

But the general idea of having more animals, props, plants, trees, armour, weapons, and blocks that glow (assuming it’s not used too much) will make things feel really special. And the extra special thing is that the engine is already setup to support this. You may (or may not) have noticed that all the particle systems (rain, snow, pollen, etc) are effected by the lighting in the environment - so they glow a beautiful orange colour before being devoured by lava (as an example.)


May some kinds of glowing can have not effect on particles for better performance? On forum already was question about decorative fireflies - IRL this bugs has lighting nothing except self.

In the most courageous dreams we expect world(s) full of wonders - glowing rocks and sands, fluorescent grasses and trees, luminous beasts and animals, water shining as a lava. I sure, you dreaming about the same :smiley:

In “City Lane”, that I mentioned, we really made lamps from cans and captured fireflies :smile:

Step 1: Add more glowing things
Step 2: Enjoy glowing things
Step 3: …?
Step 4: Profit!
Step 5: Enjoy glowing things some more

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I got one.

Kinda ties in with my Sea Creatures post.

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May I also submit the fantastic work of Wood Splitter Lee for inspiration!


Bioluminescence should be used sparingly, otherwise there will be nothing special about it. you would just walk by all the glowing stuff and ignore it completely. If it was rare, however, you would stop and watch it, Go ooh and aah and think the game was awesome, maybe try and keep some of that glowing with you by making it a pet or mining the ore or what have you.


Yeah,this is a great idea,I think that glowing water creatures would look amazing


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