Biome Journal

Started messing around with a new biome; I’d love to see what people think of it, and if they have any ideas for it :slight_smile: I’ve also got it up on GitHub if you want to play around with it.

Currently calling it Twined Hills (and struggling to come up with a better name) - this biome is a mixture of relatively flat terrain with snaking “hills” that fold up and around:

It seems to work pretty well as a grassland. I’ve added bushes to the undersides of the “hills”, as well as some interspersed gleam to add some detail, and possibly explain how the floating chunks stay floating.


looks amazing keep it like that


How can you play in a world that you sre making… I cant get it to work for me

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Steam makes it a bit difficult since you can’t launch both the world builder and the game via Steam. To do it, launch the world builder directly:

  • Find the game in your Steam library, and hit “properties”
  • Navigate to the “Local Files” tab, and click on “Browse Local Files”.
  • From the Boundless directory, go into “worldbuilder” and open up “boundlessworldbuilder”

At this point, you can open up your world(s), and hit the green preview buttons. Then launch Boundless via steam, go to the world selection menu, and switch it to the world builder universe. Your world should show up in the list!


I use gleam as the reason my islands float as well :yum:
Love how it looks though, finishing up my testing with caves so I’ll look into sharing my crappy biomes with ya’ll through GitHub later.


Awesome, can’t wait to see them!

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Uploaded for you bemoan the chaos that is my learning. As I look at each sub biome, I can definitely see the growing pains :grin: Still proud of my chaotic work.


Woot! I’ll take a look at your biomes tonight (PST)

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