Black Pattern Concrete

Looking for a full gleam chest worth of Black Pattern Concrete.

Any Concrete makers interested? I could even provide the rock.

Looking for a good Bulk offer.

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If you give me a few @CaptAmerica1611 I can have it for ya.

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Awesome :ok_hand:t2:

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I may not have enough for a full chest, we shall see.

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It’s ok, I’ll take as much as I can at one shot.
I know I bought out a bunch or your stands earlier today.

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No worries I have quite a bit cooking. We’ll see how much it comes out to.

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Still going …


I could probably make whatever u need to finish filling the chest(if lotus is short) I just recently blew up a big ole pile of black gravel insert explosion sounds here so wouldn’t be alot of work to toss it in a mixer for ya

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Thanks Foxy, I’ll keep you posted if I need more.

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Last batch is cooking…


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