Block armour for placed blocks

I know it’s been voiced before, but building on higher tier worlds is a pain because blocks take on the armour rating of the planet they are on.

Previously it didn’t think it was an option , but it occurred to me that in the 199 patch you released this patch note:

That infers that you now have the tech implemented to differentiate between a placed block and a natural block, so mabye you could revisit block armour for placed blocks? It would be a massive boon to Builders if placed blocks didn’t have any armour, so that we can make alterations as we’re going a lot less painfully.

Unless the extra block armour is an intentional extra left in specifically to make building more ‘challenging’ on higher tier worlds. But if that is the case, official confirmation of this intent would be grand.


If nothing else, the simple change of blocks on planets only taking on that planet’s armor rating after a minute or so would be nice. That way, a mistakenly-placed block is a quick and easy fix, while if it’s a block you probably intended to leave there, it takes on the appropriate armor rating quickly.