Block Hitbox Question

I’m looking for a block/item that has a hitbox slightly smaler than a full block, anyone know of anything?


  • all chisel varients
  • lattice
  • pumpkin
  • signs
  • poles + beams
  • request baskets

Edit: Looking for physical hitboxes, ones you can’t walk through :slight_smile:

Plants. They have a hitbox according to their size.

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Sorry I should have clarified - physical hitboxes, ones you can’t walk through :slight_smile:

Glowing lamella… Oh but no plants… hmmmm…

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Request basket is a partial block. Signs also don’t consume the full block so, I’m not sure exactly what you’re looking for. Chisel/lattice variants have the exact hitbox of the partial block and you can occupy the emptied space as well.

Interesting snowman parts don’t show any hitbox but definitely take the whole block

heh hard to get a good angle but you just float in the air over therm.

Not being obstinate but I’m confused. I’d be interested to help if I knew what you were looking for.

Yeh its odd as the hitboxes are smaller but they take up the physical space of a full block :confused:

I’m basically wanting to walk into a block, and to also be able to stand on the block beneath :slight_smile:

What about a block that you bevel on opposite corners? You can kinda walk about a quarter of the way through them that way.

That’s a good shout but can’t be on the corner I’m afraid :confused: needs to be a flat face so you can walk across it :slight_smile:

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that is my only complaint about chiseled blocks,cant create a half platform block for example and build a statue on it.