Block Limits


So I’ve been making a monstrosity of a build this week, and only now am I learning there is a hard limit on machines per plot. It’s literally a spherical 5x5x7 plot hole underground lines with warp conduits.

I keep getting an error “There a too many complex blocks in this area to place more”. This really is maddening, god knows what will happen when I try to add power coils to all my machines…

I need some more information on this limit as it completely will change the design of my building to accomodate. Really maddening as I’m at the end of a 5 day build and it’s now a problem. What is contributing to this limit? is the limit per plot only? Should this perhaps be looked into more as it seems to really be messing with everything in a build of this complexity.

Another frustrating thing I’ve found is spark links cannot have more than 100 blocks connected together at a time. This makes things soo messy when there used for handrails and for wiring machines, that limit keeps kicking me in the teeth. I really think this limit in particular needs addressing.

Build is located on Lutrion in Ashenvale, 918N, -1692E Alt 58.

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There were mentions of limit of meshes per chunk (16x16 from mantle to top of the sky), so a limit on everything that is not a block - as far as i understand it machines, doors, chairs, etc will count to this limit.
Never seen any number unfortunately.

it isd mesh limit which it 500 for now on a one chunk (chunk is 16x16x256) so u cant place more then 500 meshes which are all machines, links, coils, storage, doors, furnaces, spark cores, etc i think u get the idea.


come to my base the Dark Tower so i can tell u exacly how it works on my example :slight_smile: had to redesign part of the build.

I may get you to go have a look at my build. The entrance is in front of the portals to the Ultima hub.

sure np man pm me on disc

Good to know it got upped to 500.

If I remember from my testing it was always 512 and there wasn’t any changes since I did posts a few months ago about the problem.

Not trying to revive a old thread or anything but I do need to know.

So if a chunk is 16x16x256, that means it’s 2x2 in plot size from mantle to sky?

I just want to clarify that for my own personal use and for anyone else looking at this too.


Yes, plots are 8x8. (I hope that’s what youcare asking.)

I know that plots are 8x8x8. I was making sure people weren’t saying a chunk is 16x16 plots… lolol