Bomb mining? What Happened?

But the description show on the skill is “bomb damage increase” not “bomb crit damage increase”.
Also i tested the damage on Till with silver bomb.
Before the skill i need to place 7 bomb for 1 explosion of rocks.
After the skill i still need to place 7 bomb for 1 explosion.
Also all the damage are the same from before and after.

I tested it around the last few days of alpha beta, it works exactly different compare to current patch.
As result, i believe that is a bug for sure :weary:


I didnt test today.

Let me explain again XD

For example:

I need drop 8 copper bombs to explote the rocks,

Case 1: 7 bombs hit normally 1000 each
1 bomb hit critic 1500
Total damage= 8500
Case 2: 6 bombs hit normally 1000 each
2 bombs hit critic 1500 each
Total damage= 9000
Case 3: 5 bombs hit normally 1000 each
3 bomb hit critic 1500 each
Total damage= 9500

You understan me now?

I try to say than the damage is no the same all the time for the critical chance.

No, because that’s a negative to the overall design of this game. If someone wants to mine with bombs they should be allowed to given the extra cost, item setup needed, certain skill investment in a build, and the game knowledge to be able to utilize the item in that fashion.

I still think we should have a set of bombs that are different than the current ones strictly for gathering resources if someone so chooses to use it for that. It would probably be a higher tier item to craft, probably would require tech components and tech devices, probably require elemental shards and some other high end stuff with ore, gems, blink, rift, oort, and dark matter deciding what kind of bomb it is.

We don’t need to take things out of the game. We need to have more in it to give players a wider selection of how they can play the game and do the things they want to do. The more stuff we have that does just that the better this game is.


I know the crit damage, but with the bomb skill ( if have function)
You can calculate more specific for each time you place.
For example:
1 bomb hit 1500 ( without skill )
1 bomb hit 1800 ( with skill )
so you can place less bomb to destroy the rocks.
Also you can decide to max or not max the bomb skill.
Will help you find the comfortable zone easier.

this has been updated with the new block hp and armor values and seems to be working quite nicely:

I’m using Titanium bombs on gem planets to 3 shot rock but leave the resources with + 175% bomb damage (135 general and 40 bomb)

hope this helps and let me know if something is off

also, with the nerf to durability reduction skills, i would view using more than 3 bombs a waste of bomb materials… but i could add a 4 shot category if it is in high demand :wink:


All of this is great. Especially that table @Jiivita, but can any of you answer my original question?
Why on earth(Besevrona actually) is sand surviving upwards of ten+ copper bomb explosions and not the resources I’m mining. It Cant be crit hits because the chances aren’t that high, and the chance of the sand being hit with a crit is the same. And ALL of the resources being hit with a crit is just a ridiculous notion to begin with.
Again, if resources have a higher amount of “hp” then why are they consistently being destroyed first. They have higher “armor” values as well on that planet.

blocks seem to have natural resistance to bombs (like using a shovel to break rock) it could be that sand is a tab more resistant to bombs than rock (but they still have less hp) so if you’re doing 100 damage to rock but the sand is only taking 30… the rock would break first even though it has more hp :thinking:

at any rate… i think the real issue here is that you are trying to bomb mine with under powered bombs for their target :wink:

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Good Job on that calculator :heart:

I just want to add up something with the titanium bombs, sometime if the 3 bombs do criticals hit, it breaks resources.

good to know, i’ve had my suspicions… just hadn’t seen in-my-face evidence yet hehe… so that means less agility would be idea :thinking:

I miss interpret, i thought it was dexterity that gives Critical, so yeah less agility should do the trick or minimize the loss of resources

yeah, I might tinker and see if i can work crits into the sheet somehow… so you could take less +bomb damage and maybe have a weaker bomb for when the main ones don’t crit enough :thinking:

in my opinion, i think flat damage is better than relying on critical chance and be unlucky and always need an additional bombs or waiting till the blocks health regenerate.

Well that makes sense…
What about the resources? I was destroying those 2(ish) bombs before the rock. Would that be the same case or just my junky copper bombs?

that seems to align with my observations… while resources have 2x hp on paper… they seem to be a bit more vulnerable to bombs for some reason… making the “sweet” spot on bomb damage a bit narrower than it would be otherwise… figuring this all out is a bit tricky since we can’t see exactly how much damage we doing the blocks with bombs… so these are working theories at best :smile:

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Ok i just confirmed that while bomb mastery in all forms does NOT effect the tool-tip it DOES however effect how much damage they do so… yeah O.o

i have +2 bomb mastery, 6 power and 4 in the all attributes. Takes 4 copper bombs on starter worlds, resources act “normally”.

Because I’m crazy… i added a whole section for viewing the effects of critical strikes and the probability of getting 0-3 in a row as well as a skill/power calculator… also a section for viewing normal and crit damage for single bombs if you want to experiment with mixing types O.o

At any rate, it looks like with my setup it only took 2-3 crits to break the resources, but that it only had a 10% chance of happening :thinking: with some finesse you can get that as low as 1% (theoretically) by taking only 4 points in bonus attributes giving 172% bomb damage… that WOULD lower your luck a bit (2.8 instead of 3 drop modifier) which i don’t like BUT i also don’t like having a 10% chance of losing resources for the round ><


Awesomesauce! I’ll check it out in the morning, im too tired to try any calculating tonight :sleeping:

What setup do you use for T5 if you don’ mind me askin’?

I’ll just stick this here: