Bones / Fossils as a Resource

The “random” university student have been studying it resently (This year) so yeah…

Well actually if it mentions no materials that would normally mean that any material would suffice.

Anyway the idea revolves around both bones and fossils so no problem really.

Please stop posting dictionary definitions. Bones and fossils are different. Got it. Now stop.

Digging up mysterious bones would be a fun addition to the game!! This adorable Cubone definitely thinks so:

So, next question…what would you craft from bones?

• bone dagger
• bone sword
• bone axe

• bone helm
• bone armor
• bone bracers

• bone lantern
• bone couch
• bone trophy

Bone tiers
• bone
• exotic bone
• ancient bone
• Titan bone


i still think that bones should only be used for alchemical reasons as somebody else mentioned. i dont think you should make weapons or armor with it given how weak it would be compared to iron, and i think making decorations out of it would turn out a bit dark for the theme.

if they make bones it would again be good for having realistic drop, but it should be an item, not a material that scales in the same way that metals does (since you mentioned tiers)

while bone weapons and armor sounds like a good idea, i think it would kinda undermine metal to a certain degree.

I think bone themed clothing would be interesting, I’d totally dig a skull helmet, the bone attire would probably have a more tribal feel to it as well which would be interesting seeing that different worlds would have different cultures and thus different attire as well.

Unless the bone weapons and tools are a tier UNDER metal weapons and tools

Yes, I imagine that tier 1 bone weapons fit in between wood, stone, and iron somewhere.

And as reminder, we are not talking about human remains here! I’m talking about the leftovers from long-dead Protectors and Titans; strange and exotic creature bones that are composed of magical fantasy substances.

I’m not talking about this; I’m talking about this:


again, this is just the notion of what materials should be used.

if we have the standard metal. cloth and leather then it wouldnt fit it, but if we allowed more materials such as bone, wood, gleam

then where would the line be?

a way to add all of this stuff is if we still have some sort of measurement for the type of gear, but we can mix and match, meaning that we have the standard, Light, medium, Heavy. and then you could make different variants of each materials. so you could make a heavy bone armor, medium bone armor, etc…

question is just how many different types of stuff should you add? cause i am just used to the common mmorpg scaling of Cloth, Leather and Metal tbh xD

but i still like the idea of more mats, as long as we can ‘‘group’’ them so to say, also for the sake of progression.

I think it would be cool if you could make higher tier weapons from special types of bone. Afterall most materials can be found in multiple different quialities and often with different properties.

well it would atleast be easy and logical to implement, higher level mobs have stronger bones.

but again. should we really do that? how many different materials would we need to have side by side, and what would the advantage of using 1 kind over the other? i think we should have some freedom of choice, but how much?

again i am just used to iron is tier 1, steel is tier 2, mithril is tier 3. and then on tier 3 you know you only need mithril or that all armors and weapons are made of mithril…

so yeah…

Well for one you could say that different materials bind different magic better.

Early peoples often used bones for tools in place of wooden ones. Could be nice to make them the same ‘tier’ or at least very similar stat-wise. Maybe there will be worlds without trees at all, and you will have to find bones lying about, or perhaps kill a creature to get its bones before you can progress.

I don’t want hundreds of different mats for crafting, but I would like a decent variety of base matrials, and even some alloys. Maybe the stats will be the same, but it will bring some nice visual variety to the game.


one thing i just absolutely want the game to stay away from. is the ‘‘no group’’ equipment. take sky saga or minecraft. everybody just uses the same freaking armor type. why would a archer use heavy armor? xD

as long as that isnt the case i say the more mats the better. but bones should not be tierbased them, bones should not be as wide as minerals or wood. bones should prob be really simple armor, and then after that they turn into alchemical reagents… i dunno, i like the idea, i also just find it insanely odd if we should count ‘‘bone’’ together with ‘‘keather, wood, or minerals’’

Holy Bony!! That’s really a fun idea. An interesting alternative to the very addicting rush for gems - combined with a cool bone sound while mining down it would actually be great.

badum tss

Truly enciting.