Bouncy Feet Quirk kills you

I’m pretty sure that the bouncy feet quirk is my least favorite quirk. I’d probably even settle for a negative durability quirk over bouncy feet. :joy:

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when i used to have a hammer with that quirk and the jump height epic i didn’t have this problem.I only took a single bit of damage from jumping on a refined meta.

Maybe never forge or buy…It’s a terrible quirk…

4 me its an “neutral” quirk cause all you have to do is dont jump…and dont equip while running, thats it… but seems to be impossible for most of the people…
handle with care… xd

But I want it to work, lol. It sounds like such a fun quirk…
Like, imagine some hookshots with 140m/s reel in and bouncy feet that doesn’t kill you instantly. That’d be so much fun

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Nope still not swaying…I tried it and it’s annoying. Jumps when u don’t want. Yea it was funny for first day just like a fart. Makes u laugh when you hear it but then the smell comes and everyone runs for their life…Yes I just compared bouncy feet quirk to a fart . Hahaha✌


I agree, lol. It’s just a fart now but I’m just thinking about how fun it would be do running hunts or chase the shop finder with all surfaces like trampoline… I’d feel like a gummy bear.

Now who doesn’t like gummy bears


Mmmmm gummy bears. Also bouncy feet would be okay with me if you took fall damage like normal. It’s a quirk, so it should be different, but not deadly. :skull_and_crossbones:

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I wish I would have read this before buying two stacks of hammers with this quirk from a sale. :smile:

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