I recently had a request from one of the players, asking if I would consider translating boundlesscrafting.com into his native language - as he knows quite a few players that don’t speak English at all, or at least not very well.
So, I’m opening this up to see if multiple languages is of interest to others as well … would you like to see the site in your native language? If so, let me know, and maybe we can get something going to translate the site and reach more people
I can help out with Dutch and even French if I have to
Although I think the Dutch and the Flemish people whom are around are mostly polyglots and don’t need translations it can only be useful for the future, so count me in
I don’t know if there is another brazilian that would need a translation, but i can sure help translating to Brazilian Portuguese. Though, it may take some time.
good morning Stretchious,
Do you have a gdoc or something that we can work on or do you expect us to work from the main page and send it here through the forum. Also it is always best to have multiple people translating to avoid errors.
I created repository on github.com. There is file english.json with all texts for translating. Everyone can fork repo, make his/her own spanish.json, norwegian.json, dutch.json, french.json and etc and add pull request to original repo.
If it’s too complicated, you can just download english.json, translate it (fully or particularly for the first try - no matter) and return to me at damterrion@gmail. I’ll upload your translation to github later soon.
english.json is editable by any text editor (Notepad for example) as well as any.txt file
I’m still compiling a list of menus, headings and in page text that needs to be translated so should have this ready hopefully this weekend.
With regards to game file translations, I think the incoming update is going to be a fairly big one with quite a lot of GUI changes and a few new items (I’ve not had chance to compare the game files with the test server yet to confirm this), so I was going to wait until that hits before getting people up and running with translating the english.json file.
I’ve also been toying with the idea of giving contributors access to do this via the website, as this would also allow me to more easily identify any changes in the game files and notify people of any new information requiring translation.
I’ll see what I can drum up during my lunch break and post more details over the weekend! Thanks for your patience thus far.