For reasons beyond my comprehesion my last post about the economy was removed, I wanted to come back to it as It is an interesting topic for me so I will be extra careful so as not to annoy the overlords.
Due to some unknowable events in the universe, there was a big injection of cash to lots of people in the game, this has been interesting for the economy and I wondered how this was effecting peoples gameplay…
I personally have gotten into the Gem market, which has become very lucrative, and is helping me build too much concrete (my farms still cant handle it). I also have just put a load of advanced coils on to craft as the average price seems pretty good considering i had all the bits needed already.
How has this random unknowable injection of coin effected others gameplay?
I see a sudden investment on diamond gems. Mid way through the month.
I may have to adjust my pricing for my raw tools.
Spent hours mining last night to help keep my prices down.
I just made a few more hammers to get a load more gems to sell, and getting lots of usefull bits along the way, I dont usually buy stuff, but I dont have nearly big enough combustion farms. have recently doubled them but will need to do that again and thats going to take allot of digging…
the main thing I’ve noticed is the big bump in sellers prices for oortstones. I am fortunate I had a bit of a buffer, and have had help from others in the community, so even with the upcoming gleambow event I’m ok, but if prices remain that high long term it will diminish enjoyment of game.
yeah, i didnt think about the fact that the gleambow event will delay oort coming to the market. Someone bought it all out at the beginning of the year and it only took a couple of months to get back to normal.
There’s like 50-100 total people playing Boundless across PS4 and PC right now. There is no economy. It’s the wild west. My recommendation to everyone would be to put whatever you sell up for whatever obscene price you want because if somebody wants it, there’s likely not much competition and they will ultimately make it themselves or buy from you.
That said, what do I know? I quit playing a while ago and refuse to support Monumental until development resumes (which I seriously doubt it ever will).
I could make a lot of coins going online again and forge/sell my maxed out tools/weapons as I used to do but for what ? What am I going to do with coins in a game with a ruined economy. Coins was never an issue ever in Boundless, good tools/weapons and rare items were the bigger challenge.
I’ll keep hanging in there, trying to mine for gems at the moment, and am going to go on as many hunts as i notice to try keep some items for sale when they are needed quickly, ultimately its pretty easy to be self sustainable, but its much more fun getting involved with what others are doing.
I think there are currently lots of players remaining with coin, but few people trying to build up from the bottom so less being sold to request baskets and sold cheap in shops. I’m managing to find everything i need tho, nearly bought all of @Jiivita 's combustion kernels but there are still others on sale… (and my farm extention is underway)