Boundless ecosystem is empty, add enemy variety, slightly change enemies attack, give new names

I don’t have lag issues on any of the 50 servers for the game.

I am sure they most likely could bring a basic creature online into the game within a day or two if they focused on doing just that. After all, the Chrysominter was made in pretty much a day then implemented into test that same or next day.

Besides, we already have a meatshield creature already: the wildstock.

There’s concept art for some winged creatures and underwater stuff floating around on the forums. Along with worms and block parasites, So it isn’t like they don’t have their own ideas for what could be brought into the game. This is excluding Protectors that show up on Titans.

We could probably use some sort of dinosaur themed creatures like a raptor.

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Give the wildstock a break and presto! We have a chicken.

Welp my post got 10 likes and yours got 1. Seems like so far you’re wrong.

You can’t be serious… that’s your come-back? Woah…
I mean, likes are meaningless in this context… you’re comparing the 1st post to the 19th post, which has far less chances to be seen. :roll_eyes:

Make a new thread with an actual poll to compare the two options of “would you prefer more variations of existing creatures or more blocks to build with”? Then you’ll see who’s right and who’s wrong…

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I mostly played back in September and October and November. The lag was horrendous back when each planet had 50 people on them.

I would rubberband into lava all the time as well as be defeated by enemies seconds after I escaped or killed them.

Has this improved in coding or is it simply improved because the playerbase is no longer so large?

I’d say a bit of both.

When the first exo-world was released not so long ago, it was full, people couldn’t get in. And if you managed to get in, it was unplayable. Otherwise, on normal worlds, it’s fine, no lag, because I’d say there’s usually an average of 5 to 10 players on each world, from what I’ve seen. Or at least on the worlds where there’s no big capital city like Eresho.

BUT they did change some changes server-wise with the Chrysominter update which apparently reduced the lag? Like, now, when you mine like crazy, the stone blocks that fall on the ground will clump together, reducing the number of blocks on the floor to render. That kind of things.

Metroid prime games had some serious lava baddies. If there’s a game that would dare inspire some boundless mobs, it’s this one.


For sure some new creatures would be good. But I think they need to do whatever they need to do to work on gaining a larger stable player base. Theyre doing a great job already but like they say, Build it and they will come. More players = more money and if that meant they could expand their team then that would be awesome

Hmm now a lava creature would be very cool indeed i vote for that. And aquatic creatures. Would bring a new sense of exploration to oceans and lava lakes

i think if they where to bring in new monster we would also need new better weapons the ones we got work for now cuz of how basic the mobs AI is but i think for real fights the jankeyness of the slingbow would really start to show

the thing with minecraft is it just works cuz the combat and AI are both simple sword to the face or bow at range…not a arcing weapon that has a chance of jamming.

I’d like to know more about the npc in the sanctum. Why so quiet?

He’s probably got the best story, and therefore should be our king.

Tell us of your ways, silent observer…

I don’t build, I gather to make food and weapons. I hunt and gather, so to be honest, I could care less about more rocks. I’d like to see the leaves used for compound for fertilizer so they have a use, now they just take up room.

I don’t want a copy of Minecraft, I want BL but I would like to see more critters added, I would like to see fish in the water that could be caught with leaves turned into nets; all level planets

Pigs for meat and could be trained to dig up exotic yams out of the mud; level 4 and up. Turkeys for meat and feathers, They could be found on level 3 and up.

Bucks that could have antlers that could be used as horns in forging, replace one of the orbs for example.
Two, maybe three at most so it won’t strain the servers.

If we had clothes, armor, the skins could be turned into hard leather and used for armor.

The meat could used in recipes, we need some that don’t require as hard to get mats and give some advantages that are 3/4 of what we get in the persisting pies and not require so much. The fortified butter is too much, do you have Any Idea of how long and how much it takes to make that pie? Same with the teaching pie. Too many steps, too long in waiting for the milk gland to be made into milk then into purified milk then into fortified milk then into fortified butter. And what mats are needed in the process.

Yes, we need more but This Is NOT Minecraft, and to be honest, I am sick and tired of it being compared. If I wanted Minecraft I would be playing that game, not this one. I don’t want Minecraft nor do I want a copy of it, and Minecraft isn’t the first type of game, there were others before it, but no one seems to remember that one, which should be receiving all the credit that Minecraft is getting.

But in the end what do we need even more food and brews for? How does that make the game more interesting for anyone except the players that like to craft? Is that not what all the recent releases have done? Farming, while it may turn out to be interesting certainly does nothing for the builder expect add some plants they can use to decorate a build. It does add another source of resources for the crafter. If the existing recipes are too complicated, require too many items or require items that are too rare, then maybe they should be simplified versus putting a lot of effort into introducing new items to help with the acquisition of those rare items.

I didn’t necessarily mean new items as much as just a lesser grade of steak that drops. Just so they drop something.

Hey, if the creatures mentioned in this thread can be used for something meaningful other than just make the world more alive, I’m not fundamentally against it.

But we already have a leather item, wildstock horns and other trophies, eyes, 3 types of meat, 3 types of blood, bones and that thing I always forget the name of and call “white lasagna” instead.
We need fishies and fishnets, that I agree… but I still think more food to craft isn’t what the game lacks right now.

It’d be nice to be able to tame creatures, to have them dig up things for us, but we’d have to make some others changes. I mean, do you think you’ll need pigs to dig-up earthyams with the farming update? I want earthyams, I put one in an atlas and go potato-hunting, and less RNG-based.

Now I sound selfish, and didn’t mean to. Just it seems the ones before were for build, more blocks, more designs, wicker, marble, the exo planets having different blocks, sand and other. No new plants, just the same ones.

I want a mix, but will admit that I’d like to see some more on the plants and critters area. Cut down how grinding the recipes are and give us more of them. Have more critters that give other drops and don’t have add any more forging recipes, it is a personal opinion, which I am allowed to have, that there are too many now.

I don’t know how many there are in the area of different color of blocks and ways the can be used to the plants and their usage, especially in cooking. I see the ones for forging as in a separate category.

And honestly, many of the food recipes, seems very few want any of them. If they don’t have experience, health, speed or something special they don’t get bought. Shopping for items in stores I see the pies gone and always the stews, porridges, soup, broth seem to still be there, even loaves of bread are always there.

Same with stones, shops are filled with them, as rocks, stone, refined, decorative, same with gravel.

This is my opinion, I want the food, critters and real quests, not just objectives. They can toss in some blocks, new decorative designs would be good in my opinion.

Everywhere BL is marketed, it’s marketed as a “building game”. I’m not a builder either, but I am fully aware a lot of players are & it’s their priority.

I don’t think anyone is asking for BL to copy MC. The devs say on their own website that they take inspiration from a lot of games, including other voxel building games like MC. MC is a great game - totally different from BL though.

:point_up_2: This is litertally in Minecraft.

We already have wildstock that drop horns & meat though :woman_shrugging:

People are only talking about things they have experience with. MC is a fun building, exploring game.

:star:BL :heartpulse: has a ton of features that MC will never have though.

We can all agree that we want more of everything: creatures, recipes, blocks, skills, etc.


I think you mean the reactive lamella, which is a must have in forging.

Not every player, especially low and some mid level ones can get what is needed to farm some of the crops, the exotic yams seeds right now, have you seen the price for them and for the yams also? 1k and some are higher, saw where some shop, don’t know which one is selling just the exotic yams, not the seed for 10k each.

So, that seems to say they are rare. Read on a discord I am a member of and two exo planets are up and have been cleaned out.

I didn’t know, having to say this several times it seems, that there was and I think still a gltich/bug that isn’t letting some of the plants show up. The exotic yams and their seeds (bulbs) are not showing up when you go to a planet. Those who knew, and I’m not saying they are bad, I’d have been there grabbing all I could also cleaned out the planets, exo and the regular planets in no time.

What I want the leather for is armor. Hard leather in real life is tough, used in battles hundreds, thousands year ago and they could be used to help with the critters. protection for those who don’t have enough skill points to get everything they need to go to higher level planets.

And it could be used for other things, decorative clothing that could be dyed. maybe make traps to catch critters, turkey if they were added. The pigs mentioned make them to be used as a harness.

These are just ideas, thought that I think up at the weirdest times lol. What could be done to make the game better, to attract more players, what do other games have that we can borrow one or two, not the whole frigging thing (I don’t want a Minecraft copy), but just a couple that are common in many survival games.

There are a few here in this forum that non-stop push that they want this to be more like Minecraft. We all have a right to our opinion. How about someone suggest another game that is a survival, sandbox, MMO that is similar to Boundless that can be used to compare. And Minecraft is based off a game from some time back, they didn’t create what everyone is giving them credit for. I don’t so much as hate the game, I’m just sick and tired of the non stop comparing it to Minecraft and wanting everything that seems to be in Minecraft.

Just my thoughts.

Nah, the item I was thinking about was the tallow :
Mmmmmmh… white lasagna…

And yeah, I did notice something wrong with exotic earthyam, how my atlas shows there’s none in higher-tier worlds. Dunno if they’re being picked clean or something…

I never had that problem once in this game except when the population peaked past 800 concurrent players.

I guess I’ve been getting okay routing connections to the Boundless servers for the most part… other than the most recent hiccup that I had.