So, I went to testing server and started from scratch to see one of the new worlds for US East.
I went through Sanctum and walked around the new planet, so you can take a look at the color palette, the wildstock, trees, and topography of the planet, as well as the brilliant sky and some other worlds in it.
QQ whats your upload speed? you always beat me to it darnit!
I upload with my mind. No speed limits there.
LOL but for the record ihave 18MB UL and still doing it after ~25 mins
10 minutes editing, 4 minutes uploading and 1 minute processing here;
so editing recorded material takes the longest, not uploading to youtube
editing = exporting video to final format
Might not be the release universe… Just saying, but nice one
Sheesh, your upload speed is better than my download speed… darn rural dsl
Same to us in Germany. We call it “Neuland” (Newland), which means the internet is new to us and we do not know how it works properly
A running gag from politics. But many has such a low internet, you cannot even download games, when they update. Its such a shame :-/
Colors look great there. I had a choice between hard or easy world. I went with the wimpy
The big hunt server had a very similar home world. So even if they throw another set of planets for 1.0, it’s safe to assume it will look more or less the same.
They need to up tech fragments spawn rate I think. It was OK in the big hunt set of worlds but seems too low here. Just imagine 50 players trying to find it at the same time.
Wouldn’t the hostile home world be tier 1?
I assumed it would be but it was just a guess. It’s possible they are all 0, but are still different. We won’t know until it’s actually out.
btw your diagram is a bit off - marvoni is 4 blinksecs from Omega, but Dor III-A is only 3.
Isnt that what the diagram says? 1+1+2=4 quick maffs
I guess I was looking at it the wrong way
Still confusing ish but oh well
I can’t stand this grueling wait… if you start on DorIII are the blocks a bit harder to mine?
Nope, they are the same
No offence intended will, i know how this reads, Just have no idea how to make it sound that way but i will try
Below i am saying that if its not even going to be the new universe (possibly) then why does it appear it will (read points below)
1 @boundmore was able to stream the new universe a few weeks/months ago? (haow i have no idea)
2 why release a string of planets which won’t even make it in?
3 we have yet to hear official reprots from @james @blake and the team to tell us the truth
Edit to try and make it sound better?:
All i am trying to say is let’s not suppose certain things until we officially know
Once again sorry if it sounds sarcastic or anything you guys know my issues with trying to explain things… >.>
Probably the ones on Boundmore’s video were those from the “Hunting Universe” - which was used to record the epic hunt (some of which was used in the new trailer).
These may not be the official worlds for launch - but from recent discussions with Tobelawe, they will be very close to these in difficulty, look and resource distribution.
We’ll find out soon enough what they have planned with regards to the new universe etc… The Truth is out there