Boundless now self published on Steam

Boundless is a sandbox MMO. Not an MMOPRG.


I feel like they were very clear about their intentions…

So what else are you looking for here?


That’s all fine and good however

As regards the adulting comment, look, if you’ve ever had a job where you dealt with clients you learns quickly that some of them can be very abusive of what is basically a business relationship.

While james has mainly been the “face of wonderstruck” or whatever you want to call it, your decision to spend money on this game does not entitle you to his personal time or attention in any way at all.

None of what you posted there changes that. And the level to which some people have taken that lately (thank goodness there is some live moderation still) has been absolutely off the hook. That definitely affects my shortness, sorry.

Boundless didn’t come with any SLA really or service and support contract that I’m aware of. James not pandering to the tens of pings he gets per day from these forums is (in most cases) not even a personal insult.

Pick any company that you regularly spend money at. Attempt to contact the CEO directly, and inform them that the money you’ve been spending on their products is something substantial enough that you consider it an investment, and you need an update on the current state and future direction of the company and it’s product line.

etc… Maybe you have some suggestions for how they can refactor their operations to suit you better?


IDK man my response to some of the stuff around here is definitely not all about you though so sorry for the knee-jerk regarding the thought that buying a product is equivalent to being owed (something personal) by specific employees.

No doubt about the problems and to some extent, they have a forum people can ask for what they want. I’m not trying to argue against people’s requests for information in general.

But with regard to what’s really owed to anyone for having bought the game, it isn’t honestly much.

As the personal rants, escalating into insults and in some cases, attacks on james continue to escalate, I’m not sure why anyone would expect this game to get any real effort past fulfilling it’s contracts. If they roll out 249 to capture some “long tail”, we’ll be lucky. At this rate.

Much more than any snide comment, that’s my real thoughts on this matter.


This. So much this. I’ve long been critical of the lack of communication…for years. I remember when some of the folks complaining now were telling me not to complain and to just enjoy playing the game, so I’ve been highly amused these last few months…but asking for an update vs. some of the blatant attacks from folks against James are two completely different things and some of the posts I’ve read here have really disturbed me with how cruel and violent they’ve been.

If I were him I’d pretty much be happy to leave everyone hanging. With BG3 nearing release I’m sure he and the team at Larian are beyond slammed and the last thing I’d want is to come check on the game I spent so many years building only to see what some of the folks on here are saying. They’re probably spending tens of hours in overtime and he’s still managing to spend a few hours here and there to read through things.

That being said, I can’t help but go back to something I believe @bucfanpaka mentioned quite a while ago in that I suspect James and team are under some sort of legal obligation to do no more on this game other than basic maintenance and resolution of issues until X date. Some form of a non-compete to ensure they’re able to spend a proper amount of time working on BG3. It would explain most of the radio silence and lack of details.

Like @Dhusk I’m hopeful to see something as early as tomorrow (start of a new month, the potential contract might end at the end of a month) or hopefully before the anniversary.

I get folks have strong feelings. I’ve been having similar feelings for years now. But unleashing on the poor guy isn’t doing anything positive. I’d recommend to some folks just subscribing to notifications for the “news” and “announcement” topics and then just do a quick check daily to see if anything has been posted. That’s what I’ve been doing at least :man_shrugging:. Makes it fair easier to avoid the drama and the once-a-day new post about the same handful of topics that have been discussed for the last couple of months.


Potential new players should be made aware it is survival as much as it is open world with sandbox-ish experience.
It is only full sandbox when played on creative or potentially locally if 249 gets pushed through.

It’s good if they know its not MMORPG in traditional mould (meaning WoW).

We had enough newcomers that were either expecting full possibilities of non-progression sandbox or dungeons and quests of a NPC populated MMO.

There is nothing wrong with the concept Boundless is trying to establish (player content only, co-op balanced with single player style, player based economy, open survival world, class-free progression). But a lot of players buying the game in the past seemed to have a misjudged idea about what they bought, and a lot of them left quickly, leaving posts bemoaning the lack of dungeons or supposedly massive grind.


Send them to any Korean MMO and have them report back if they still think boundless is a “Massive grind”.


It is a matter of perception indeed.

Complains about grind more often than not came from players who expected a creative sandbox that doesn’t put many if any obstacles in the way of their building projects. I helped a few such players, explaining game mechanics and sharing some building materials and tools. All came from minecraft and after initial excitement they all left cause they found acquiring materials too difficult and time consuming. They just wanted to build.

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Boundless is my favorite game! I’m looking forward to news.
Have a fabulous day fellow Boundless player’s!


Yea. I remember buying this and thinking it was a minecraft mmo game right before release. No real clear guidance on how to play it and I didnt see anyone for an entire week. I did quit for a bit and started back up again with a different thought process on my expectations of what I thought the game was going to be initially upon purchase.

It is a pretty niche game after all. The graphics of an updated minecraft with the complexity of a eve online spreadsheet simulator in certain aspects mixed with personalities who take playing beyond the next level of emotional attachment. I can see why it would be not fun to play in some isolated scenarios.

But looking forward to the update!


This is generally an issue with anything that’s “small business”, I feel. If you’re more personal with clients, even just a bit, it’s easily taken for granted while allowing the business side of the relationship to kind of get lost in there. People start to expect your personal time, because you’re not just a faceless thing like many companies we see every day, companies which in some cases can’t even be addressed at all by an average human being.

While I’ve been upset at the game in the past too, I also partly don’t get the level of some of the stuff that’s happened in this thread. :confused:


Is today the day we get the exciting information I hope so.

( X ) Doubt


I’d say actual release anniversary rather than start of event (as all events are stretched for around 2 weeks wrapping around the central date).


Well hopefully your right and it’s not any longer than that


Just highlighting this :slight_smile: And that’s my £0.02 haha


I, too, love horrible customer service in a live service game.



I live for horrible customer service, not gonna lie :stuck_out_tongue:


In all seriousness, I would be shocked if we didn’t hear anything by Sept 11. That said, I guess I shouldn’t be…


Honestly, I agree. I have been holding off my opinion for the most part (50/50 anyway), hoping that something would be said by 11/09. I still live in hope that they will.


I would be mildly surprised if we heard anything before the end of the year. with how long 249 has been on testing, my expectations for pretty much everything about this game are at zero.

The main thing that stops me from just flat out quitting the game is the fact that I have invested well over 2000 hours into my build, So at this time I simply maintain my build and portal hub since the idea of losing 2000 hours of work is not really a happy one,

Maybe they update the game, maybe they don’t, I kind of stopped caring at this point since FF14 has been treating me nicely for the time being.

If you don’t have any hopes or expectations for the game, then you can’t have any disappointments.

In the event they update the game, I will start doing more in it again. At this point the Forums offer more amusement then the game itself